Amnesia- Chapter 11

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"Isabella? Can you hear me?" My dad was saying, loudly, and rushed.

My reply was delayed, because I couldn't breath. "No, no!" I yelled, then i screamed. a for real scream.

He held me in his arms and rocked me, but i kept yelling. That's all I remember.

I woke the next morning, my face covered in dried tears, and my body covered in sweat. My stomach ached, but not the usual pain. I felt fear. I looked at the digital clock next to my bed and it was only 5:00 a.m. I was sure my dad would still be asleep in his room, but i figured i would get up anyway, considering I was no longer tired.

I dropped my feet down onto my floor, and nearly had a heart attack.

"Dad!?" I asked loudly. He was laying on the floor right next to my bed.

"Wha-" He jumped up, startled and a bit confused, "Oh, hey there Bella. How do you feel?"

"What? I'm fine. What the hell are you doing on my floor?"

He sighed, running one of his hands through his messed up hair, "You, you were having nightmares last night. You were screaming and jumping, I stayed in here to make sure it didn't happen again."

"Oh," Was all I said. I let out a small yawn.

"Don't you remember?"

I was about to answer when our doorbell rang. My dad muttered something about who would be at the door at this hour, but we both rushed down to see who it was.

Jennifer was at my door, her Civic parked just outside, she came in without invitation, and spoke quickly.

"Okay, so here's the deal guys. Ever since word got out that Bella woke up, there have been police coming by the hospital to see if they can get in a few questions about the bombing with Bella. I would send them away, saying she isn't ready, and still has amnesia. But Gate, he told them Bella was remembering things more and, well, he gave them your address."

"What? An address is personal patient information, he can't give that away!" My dad said, sounding mad. Finally, he can see what an ass Gate can be.

"Yeah well, it's Gate. So I think the police will be coming around sometime today, and they will be persistant. I would know." She said, calming down.

My dad sighed, "Alright. I shouldn't be worried about press should I?" He laughed slightly, so it was probably a joke, i didn't really know what 'press' was.

She was silent for a few seconds, "Shit. i don't know. They know about Bella being alive, but they don't know anything else. But they have been dying to get some more information. Gate better not say anything..."

"Jen, why don't you stay for breakfast?" I asked, after a few moments of silence. If the cops were going to come and interrigate me, it might as well be on a full stomach. I looked at my dad, who nodded in approval. Jennifer said yes too. I smiled. i was happy to have her here.

Jennifer decided to just have some toast and coffee, I had the same, but with juice. I had apple juice at the hospital, but not toast. I wondered what it tasted like.

"So Bella, how was your first night at home?" Jennifer asked me. It was cold and rainy this morning, so my dad made Jennifer some coffee, and we sat in my living room.

"Uh, it was nice. My dad said I was having nightmares, but i don't think I remember them." I said, sipping apple juice out of a glass.

"Nightmares?" Jennifer asked, a nervous tone to her voice.

Before I could answer, my dad came out with two pieces of toast on each plate. He handed one to me, and one to Jennifer.

"Jennifer, I had a long night, do you mind if I run up and shower? I hate to be rude like that to a gues, but I am about half asleep here." My dad said with a laugh.

"Oh! No worries, i'm sorry if i woke you so early. I didn't want you guys to wake up to any trouble." Jennifer replied sweetly, taking a sip of her coffee.

My dad nodded, and walked upstairs. Just me and Jennifer again, like in the hospital.

But unlike the hospital, she wasn't dressed for the job. I almost didn't recognize her. Her hair was down, instead of up. Her blonde waves flowed down just past her shoulderbones. She was wearing a royal blue sweater, that had the name of a sports team on the front, but i couldn't quite read it. She was wearing black yoga leggings, like the ones i was wearing yesterday, and she wore red sneakers, the brand name was Vans. She looked absolutely beautiful, even though her apparel was simple.

"Do you not go into work today?" I asked her, due to the lack of nurse clothing.

"Ohh no, I have the next few days off, my boss said that I spent too many hours there over the past few weeks." She said, winking at me. I smiled.

I took a bite of my toast, and loved it. It had butter and raspberry jam on it. I think I just fell in love. "So do you have any plans for the day?"

She sighed, taking a few gulps of her coffee again, "Well i was thinking about going to a movie with Matt. But depending on if the cops bother you, and for how long, I might just take a rain-check."

"No. Don't cancel your date just for me. You deserve to get out. I've bothered you enough over the past few weeks anyway." I said, looking down. I figured that even after all this time, I might just be nothing more than a patient to her, just a work problem.

She sighed and put her hand on mine, like she always used to when i was upset in the hospital, "Isabella, you are not a bother to me. I wouldn't be here if you were. Okay? I care about you, as more than just a patient in a hospital bed."

I smiled, and looked down again. We finished our food in silence, but I didn't think there was anything we needed to say.

About ten minutes later, Jennifer and I walked to the kitchen and cleaned off our plates.

"So, you think I can have a tour of the house?" Jen asked with a smile. I nodded. We walked over to the bathroom and the office that lay on the wall opposite of the staircase, and i walked her down into the room next to the kitchen, that being the dining room. She admired it, occasionally 'Ooing' at some of the nicer things.

She helped me walk up the stairs like my dad did yesterday, and I showed her the rooms. My father's was first, then the guest room, then my room at the end. She took a special liking to my room. She gawked at the colors, and the bedframe, and just about everything else. Oswin eventually walked into my room, but she seemed timid. She wouldn't go near me.

"Oh who's the little kitty?" Jennifer asked me, with a baby-like voice.

"Oh, her name is Oswin. I named her about a year or so ago." I told her, sitting down on my bed. I hadn't made it since Jennifer came over right after i woke up, so it was messy. Jennifer sat on it anyway, ignoring the tossed blankets.

 "So about that nightmare?" She started, leaning against the wall that my bed sat against. 

I sighed, not knowing what to say. "I can't remember all of it, only bits really. Shouldn't be anything to worry about, I mean these last few weeks have been really overwhelming."

She nodded slowly, "I don't suppose you remember anything or anyone else?"

"Actually, yeah, i kind of remember this one guy. He went to my school. But that's it."

"Oh..." Was all she said, probably afraid that he may have been in the museum wreck too. 

She sat pettin Oswin for a good while, and i sat quietly, not thinking about anything in particular. I couldn't  for long anway, because not even twenty minutes later, our doorbell rang. Jennifer and I exchanged a look, before she got up. 

"Stay up here. Come down only if I say." 

I nodded, and watched her answer the door from the stair railings. 

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