Amnesia- Chapter 5

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I lifted my eyes open, but it was dark this time. I tasted the disgusting taste of vomit in my mouth, and my head ached again. The blinds were shut and the light was off, the only light visible to me was the one coming from the bathroom that was connected to my room, the door was slightly ajar, and the light was left on. Nurse Jennifer was gone. Doctor Gate was gone. I had a hard time remembering when I fell asleep, but when it finally came back to me, it came in a painful wave.

I remembered the news he had given me. I remember what he said. I remember feeling dizzy, and vomiting onto myself.

"It's just the shock," Gate had said to Jennifer.

"I know it's the damn shock! Still, she's feeling ill and we should help!" Jennifer yelled back, "She looks like she's about to pass out Doctor."

"Get her on the support system, let her sleep. Keep a bucket at the bedside, in case she isn't finished. You can take care of the rest Jennifer." He had said to her, and walked out the door.

At this point in the conversation, I was fading into unconsciousness. The last thing I remember about the day, was Jennifer mumbling, "What an ass. I'll get you cleaned up Bella. You just rest." She laid me back and set an oxygen mask on me.

I wondered where Jennifer was now. She stood up for me. She was kind, when Gate was being a total jerk-off. She cares about me, I think. I manage to get up, and I hit the red button on the remote, the 'Call for Help' button.

Seconds after I hit it, a woman picked up, over the P.A. "Yes Isabella, is there something you need?"

I hesitated, "Um, is Nurse Jennifer in right now?"

The woman was quiet for about ten seconds, before responding. "Yes she is. Would you like me to send her up?"

I said yes, and the woman said she would. I sat and waited for Jennifer, trying to get the taste of barf out of my mouth. I hated it.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Jennifer walked through quickly. "Hey there, Bella. Is something wrong?"

I looked at her for a second, glad to see her. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail, and her arms were hidden by a tight purple long sleeved shirt. On top of it was your typical white nurses' shirt. She had on washed out blue skinny jeans and a pair of black slip ons. She dressed fairly typically for her job.

"No. Well, yes. Is there any way I can brush my teeth?" I said shyly.

"Yes, it's a bit complicated considering you can't walk yet, but ill get it worked out for you. Is that okay?"

I nodded with a calm, tired smile, and she walked off into the bathroom. She came back with a bucket, a tooth brush with toothpaste on it, and some water. I remembered how to brush them, but I did it a bit awkwardly. Jennifer just watched me carefully, helping me if I needed it.

Once I couldn't taste the vomit anymore, I rinsed my mouth with some water. I thanked her, and she brought the bucket back into the bathroom.

"Jennifer, what time is it?" I asked her. I didn't see any light coming from behind the blinds.

"It is about, two in the morning. You blacked out yesterday at about five p.m. Do you remember?" She replied, sitting down next to me.

"Yes. Thank you, by the way. For always helping me." I said to her, looking over to her, my neck still sore.

She smiled at me, but didn't say anything right away. "You're welcome. Doctor Gate can be a real pain sometimes, and I apologize for any inconveniences you face due to him. But I'm here for you, for whatever you need Bella."

"Okay, thank you Jennifer."

"Hey, just call me Jen." She said with a smile. I knew where she got that from, and I smiled back.

"Didn't you say it was two in the morning? Why aren't you at home? Don't you have to sleep?" I asked her, looking concerned. She must be exhausted. Even I am and I've been sleeping for over a month.

"Oh, I don't need to be back. I want to be around in case you wake up, or forget where you are, or feel sick. This chair here reclines, if I need to nap too. Don't you worry about me Bella."

This made me smile. As much as I cared for her well being, I agreed. I needed her here with me. She is the first memory I have so far. I feel like I need her. And she knew that.

"Thank you, Jen. It means a lot to me." Was all I could say. I know it was probably impolite, but my eyes quickly forced themselves shut, and I was quickly asleep again. I didn't know why I was so tired when I have gotten so much sleep already. But soon enough, I was out.


"Listen, I don't want police coming in here and causing her to panic."

"Jennifer, this would be really important to us. She is the only survivor. She knows more than we could ever find out!"

She let out a sigh, "Isabella has amnesia. She wouldn't be able to tell you anyway. Going in and questioning her would just make her uncomfortable. Yes, she is awake. Yes, she is alive. Let's leave it at that, get her healed, and if she ever starts to remember, you guys can go ahead and ask her some questions. But I refuse to let you in as of right now."

I heard more hushed whispers from the doorway of my room, and minute's later Jennifer walks back in, her hand rubbing her head, looking stressed.

"Who was that Jen?"

Jennifer jumped at my voice, not knowing that I was awake. Her eyes looked tired, and she moved with more of a slump. I could tell she hasn't slept.

"Oh just some people who wanted to see you. I sent them away. You don't have to worry Bella." She had finally said, making her way to me.

"Jennifer. When is the last time you slept?" I asked her, completely ignoring her answer to my previous question.

She hesitated to answer, but simply set a pile of pills on the table next to me with a glass of water. She then moved to adjust my pillow, but I took my left arm and stopped her.


She looked at me slowly, "Not recently. But I have things to do. I had to call your dad, I had to get those guys off your back, and I have to fix some bandages on you. I will sleep later, I promise." She smiled at me. I smiled back, but it quickly faded.

"Wait, you called you?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting themselves together with confusion.

"Your dad, Bella. He's stopping by later."

(A/N:) Alright! This chapter really just goes to show how much Bella cares for Jennifer and vise versa. anyone excited to see how it plays out with bellas father? Hope you guys enjoy(: ~Afton

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