Amnesia- Chapter 4

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"Hello again, Isabella Robertson." The doctor began when he walked into the room and pulled up a chair next to my bed. "How are you this evening?"

I was glad I finally got a grasp of the time frame, because all I know is that Jennifer shut the shades a few hours ago and I had no idea if it was like 11:00am or 10:45pm. But he said evening, and from what I can remember, that meant nighttime.

"I'm as good as a one armed girl with amnesia who just woke up from a coma can be. How are you?" I spilled out, knowing that I sounded like a total smart-ass. I didn't care. I got a bad vibe from this guy. And I had no intention on treating him like I treated Nurse Jennifer.

"Okay... I am just fine. My name is Doctor Gate. Tell me, what did you feel when you first woke up today? Both physically and emotionally." He asked. He seemed hesitant after my answer, but his serious look made me know he was here for the soul purpose of getting stuff done.

"Physically, I felt a lot of pain in my head. That was the main sore spot. But not long after I felt pain across my ribs, legs, and my right shoulder. But I think we both know what that's from." I looked down at where my right arm should be, and back to him. "Emotionally, I just felt overall confusion."

He nodded slowly, "Yes, I see. Do you remember anything from before waking up today? Do you remember how you got here? Or why?"

I sat in silence for a few seconds trying to think. Trying to urge myself to remember. "No. I remember little things, like talking, reading. I know words. And sometimes I feel like there are distant memories of people, or things, but I can't make them out enough to point out who a certain person or thing is."

He took notes down on his clipboard, in a writing I couldn't read. It looked like a different language. But it didn't hold too much interest to me, so I ignored it and waited for the next question.

"Okay, Isabella, do you-"

"Just call me Bella," I said, interrupting him.

"Alright, Bella, do you want the full story of what happened, and what happened to you? I know that this all must be a lot to take in, and if you aren't ready, we can put it off, and just focus on healing you." He said, setting his clipboard down in his lap, and staring straight at me.

I stayed silent for a while, and I felt Jennifer put her hand on mine, "Bella, it's okay if you don't want to hear it. I know how you must feel, we can wait as long as you want don't feel like we are rushing you."

I looked at her with a small smile, and then looked back to Doctor Gate, "Tell me. Maybe hearing about it will help me remember."

He gave me an unsure look, but I nodded in approval, and he flipped through a few papers in his board and pulled out a file. He read straight from the file, no beating around any bushes. Just word for word what anyone else would see.

VICTIM NAME: Isabella Renee Robertson

AGE: 15

SEX: Female

There was more unimportant information, like my height, (5.6) my eye colour, (blue) my birthday, and et cetra, and then he flipped to a page that I saw marked in large red print MUSEUM ATTACK. The words gave me butterflies, but I showed no sign of it, afraid that if I do, they won't continue to tell me about it.

DAY: April 26, 2014

LOCATION: Saint Carter Museum of Art and Natural History

EVENT: Believed Terrorist attack- bombing (Inconclusive without witness)




The number of deceased sent a wave of shock through my body. So many people. I didn't know how I could be the only survivor.

"I thought I was the only one? The file says seventeen people lived." I said, quietly, even though my voice was at full volume.

"They all survived the attack, but they died later, in the hospitals. You had as much damage as the rest of them, but you manage to fight it out. You are strong, Bella. The strongest woman I've ever treated." Jennifer said, with a comforting smile. But I was far from comforted.

"How did it happen? What did happen to the museum we were all in?"

The doctor sighed, and sat back, as if he was about to read me a novel. "Well, all we know is that the building collapsed. We found remains of a bomb embedded to the wall on the top floor. It took out the majority of the whole top floor and everyone under it.

"You were on the opposite side of the top floor. It still fell, but the damage was smaller. The only reason you stayed alive was because you were, well cushioned. Harsh material like bricks and wood still fell onto you, from the walls and ceiling, but the only reason you managed to survive, was because the impact of the fall was softened from what fell under you." He finished.

I sat there, speechless. I had no idea what to say. How did I make it out? Of every person in that museum, I am the single one person to live. Why me? Why not some of the important people?

"You suffered from many broken ribs, a crushed arm, which in the time it took to find you, became infected, which is why we had no choice but to amputate it. You also had a broken leg and other bruises to the bones and obviously skin. You fought hard in your comatose state. And I can see now that you suffer from amnesia. This is not a surprise to me considering what you have been though. Would you like to see the ex-rays Bella?" Gate asked.

I shook my head no, and sat for a minute to process the situation. I went through the entire conversation again, and again, until all of it was embedded into my mind.

"Wait, Doctor Gate. What cushioned my fall during the collapse? What exactly was under me?" I asked, with a tone of seriousness I wasn't used to.

I saw Jennifer give Doctor Gate a look, and she shook her head.

"No, tell me. I want to know. I have a right to know."

Gate paused, before exhaling very slowly, and looking up to me. "You were on a field trip with your class. You were cushioned, by your classmates. We found you in the ruins lying in a blanket of them."

I vomited.

(A/N:) dun dunn dunnnn! so there you go! the story of what happened to Bella! Will it get better? or worse? we'll see guys! this was a fun chapter for me to write so i hope you all like it as much as i do! ~Afton

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