Amnesia- Chapter 8

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When I woke up, Jennifer was gone. Instead, Doctor Gate was standing beside me. I didn't wake up peacefully on my own, oh no. Gate woke me up. I hated him for it. I was having my first dream. It was wonderful.

It started off as me and Jennifer. But I was good. I had two arms, and had no broken bones. We were walking, anywhere. At one point we were in a field, surrounded by tall grass and purple flowers that swayed in the cool wind, and in the flash of a second, we were at a beach.

What confused me, was I saw someone else there. It wasn't Gate, it wasn't my father. It was a girl. She was young, like me. Her hair was long and black, and her eyes, big and blue looked at me. She hugged me. I hugged her back. I knew her.

I tried to make myself remember what she looked like in my head. My heart ached as I pried my eyes open. I needed to tell Jennifer. But she wasn't there.

"Good to see you're up Isabella," Gate started.

"Hard to be asleep when you barge in here and lift my mattress up from under me." I said, before he could continue.

He shot me a glare, then continued, "We are going to spend today getting you off this bed the best we can. The leg wounds have healed physically, but they will be very sore. We will take it slow, but it's going to be our goal to get you to walk by the end of the day."

Walk? I can barely even eat food without help. I had no rush to leave this hospital. His goal sound like total bull-crap.

"Where is Nurse Jennifer?" I asked coolly, not breaking eye-contact.

"She won't be coming in today."

"Well, I'm hungry." I said. The honest truth was, I had absolutely no desire to eat anything. I just figured I would stall him as best as I could.

He sighed, "Well, let's walk down to the cafeteria this morning, then you can order as much as you want. How about that?"

I glared at him, "Do I get a choice? Or were you actually asking me?"

He looked at me, and that was an answer in itself. I didn't have a choice.

"I'm going to bring some nurses in to help you stand, and that'll be good, then if it's too much, we'll wheel you down to the café, then to the physical training area."

I waited, as he brought in two other nurses. Neither of them were Jennifer. This made me angry. They also didn't look like the girl in my dream. One was fat and pale, and the other was middle aged and wrinkly. They came over to me, and one unplugged all of the tubes and chords i was connected to, and one took my blanket off and moved my legs down off the bed. The pain was obvious and I bit back a scream. She slowly bent my legs as they dangled, sore and thin.

"My name is Laura. Just tell me if it hurts too much," The fat one said, as she lifted the right side of me. The other one, (Who's name was Candy) grabbed my left side.

They lifted in sync, and soon enough I was in the air. I breathed hard, the pain was shocking. My body stretched itself out for the first time in over a month. It hurt. I could feel cracks, and strains, and soreness in my ribs as they stretched out.

Laura muttered words of encouragement as they slowly let my feet touch the ground. They didn't put all my weight on them yet, but they let my feet get a feel for the ground. It felt odd. They slowly put more weight on them, until I was standing full out. It hurt, bad. They balanced me, but they didn't hold me up.

"Is it okay? How does this feel?" Candy asked, keeping one hand on my back and one on my shoulder.

"It hurts, and feels weird," And just as I said that, my knees gave out, almost toppling me onto the floor, but they caught me. Laura apologized, but I didn't respond.

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