Amnesia- BEFORE/Chapter 9

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"It was probably just a meth lab or something that exploded, I don't know." Nicole said to me as we were doing our physics homework.

"Can that happen? Hell, I don't know how meth labs work. But that could be a possibility. Why does it interest you so much anyway?" I asked, pushing my pink eraser into the packet Mr. Greene had given us. This assignment was impossible, I swear.

Nicole sighed, and took a drink of her Pepsi, "I don't know. Just gives us something to talk about other than physics and the weather. Plus this is the second bombing this month,"

I laughed, "The news said nothing about this one being a bomb,"

"Well it could be! What if it was? Second this month, that's kind of crazy. What if there's someone planning stuff?"

I ignored her comment, focusing on my assignment.

Nicole was always a very cautious person when it came to the economy and news and what not. Whenever the talk of gas prices went on, she would go on a nervous rant on how she won't be able to afford gas when she's older, and end up losing her job and living on the streets. So when we got home and heard about the random explosion in dorm C of Greensburg Community College, the second random explosion in one month, she ranted.

I, on the other hand, didn't really care. I mean, yeah, it was really sad, because a lot of young people died. But things happen. I wouldn't take it into any real thought.


The next week went by slowly, but a lot happened. Doctor Gate got me to walk on my own, but not very far. The muscles in my legs were weak, so Nurse Candy would occasionally come in and take me to the physical training room to work on some leg exercises.

They also addressed the matter of my missing arm. I got a series of pamphlets and lectures on how it is bad now, but will get better. The most common sentence I have heard in my time here at this hospital. "It's bad now, but it will get better,"

Basically, Gate did everything in his power to get me to leave as soon as possible. My father came in three times, and we talked. He once brought in pictures, a few of my mom, and most of us. We have a pet cat, her name was Oswin. I felt like, I could picture what he was talking about, but I don't necessarily remember.

Jennifer was with me most of the time as well. I focused those few days on talking more about her. I found out that she has a boyfriend, his name is Matt. She said she wasn't really happy with him. She spent most of her time here, and she said he was unreliable. I felt bad knowing that it may be my fault that their relationship may be falling apart. But despite all of it, she seemed happy. Her eyes, brown and big showed comfort. She told me I would be able to go home soon.

"What do I do then, Jen? I still don't remember a lot of stuff. Anything really. My dad, we can talk, but I don't know if I could live with him."

Jen sighed, but kept a positive attitude about it, "Well, we will have check-ups with you frequently, to see how you are doing with your arm, and memory. So you will get more comfortable with the idea in time, it won't just be like we are dropping you off, never to see you again. Alright?"

I was quiet, but listened. It was good to hear that I would see Jennifer again, but knowing that eventually it would stop, was bad enough.

Putting up with Doctor Gate that week was rough as well. He pushed me to walk no matter how sore I was, and he paid no attention to my needs. Obviously, it helped, and getting me to walk is an important thing, but I hate him all the same. Just something about me had a bad feeling about him.

(A/N:) sorry guys, kind of boring and tiny chapter. But Bella is on to Gate... what do you guys think is up with him? I will hope to write another chapter (That is longer) tonight/tomorrow morning before my trip! Almost at 100 reads (: thanks all! ~Afton

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