Amnesia- Chapter 6

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As I sat in my bed, propped up, with a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese in my lap, I thought about my family. Where were they? What do they look like? Would I recognize them when I see them? I didn't know.

But my main question was, would my father recognize me? I don't even know what I look like, but all I know is I am the bruised remains of a fifteen year old girl.

"Jennifer?" I called, quietly. She was taking a nap in the reclined chair next to my bed. She had tossed around a bit, and I had wondered if she'd woken up.

A few seconds later, she yawned and then looked over to me. "Yes Bella?"

"What do I look like?"

She smiled softly, and then sat up, about to stand, "Would you like to see?"

I nodded yes, and she stood up and walked over to the bathroom. She stretched out her body, and I heard her spine crack. I wondered if it was a problem that it did that, but she made no sign of it.

She came back just moments later with what looked like a hand mirror in her hands. She walked over to me, and set it in my left palm. She motioned for me to bring it up to my face, so I could see. I prayed that I looked as beautiful as Jennifer. She was flawless from my point of view.

But unfortunately, I was not.

My face was pale, and my lips sat a light pink. My eyes were probably my favourite feature, a bright and deep blue. My hair was mocha brown, but it looked messy and greasy from the sweat that filled it in my past state. I had a bruise that swelled on the top of my head, that showed only a little on my forehead, but it was obvious to see. There was a bruise stretching from my right shoulder to my mid neck, from what, I don't know. I found myself revolting. And I didn't want anyone else to see me this way.

"I'm absolutely hideous, Jennifer." I said, choking back tears.

Jennifer took away the mirror, and sat beside me on my bed, "No, Isabella, you are not hideous. You've been through a lot, that's all. You are beautiful. Properly gorgeous."

I didn't believe her, but hearing her say it made me feel a bit better. I was nervous about my dad. I don't know who he is. I don't know what he looks like. I know I won't recognize him, but I want him to recognize me, because I have a feeling once I see him, I'll remember him.

"When is my father coming?" I asked Jen, who had brought the mirror back to the bathroom and took the empty bowl of food away from my lap.

"Um, soon actually! I lost track of time I should probably wait for him in the lobby, he might have come early." She said, looking at the watch on her wrist.

"Jen, what if I don't recognize him?"

Jennifer sighed, knowing that this was a possibility. "Well, I don't know. If you don't, we can take it by ear. Okay? It will be fine. Just remember that, he is your father and he loves you, but don't feel any pressure on having to remember him. And don't pretend. If you don't remember him, it's alright."

I know she was trying to comfort me, but I wasn't. I was about to meet a man who raised me, who knows everything about me, and I have no idea who he is. Butterflies filled my stomach as she patted my hand softly and left the room. So I sat there, fixed my hair a little, drank some water, and waited for him to come in, to find me again.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on my door. Jennifer came through first.

"Bella, there's someone here for you," She said, and let him through.

"Hey there, Bella-Bear."

(A/N:) Who's ready to meet Bella's father? anyway, know on my casting list i put Adelaide Kane on as Bella, and that's who i would like. But Adelaide has brown eyes, and Bella has blue. ijust try to ignore that little detail. anyways, sorry for such a short chapter! but this just gives you a feel of what Bella looks like. ~Afton

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