Amnesia- Epilogue

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"Happy Birthday to you!" They sing, finishing the whole chant. I blow out the candles in my birthday brownies. My dad removes the candles and I take a bite, and moaned. The chocolatey delicousness was overwhelming. 

"Thank you so much guys!" I said to all of them, swallowing my bite slowly. 

"Hey! How about a speech?" Jennifer said, taking a sip of her drink. I blushed, but everyone else started to chant the word speech! until i stood up, and cleared my throat. The crowd contained mainly my family. My dad, Jennifer, my aunt and uncle, my grandparents, and even two of my friends from my school, who weren't on the field trip. I remember them now, but there is still so much i don't. My grandparents are still strangers in my mind. So is my uncle, and other things. 

"Okay, if you all are going to make me, i guess i will. I just want to thank you all for coming to see my for my 16th birthday. I'm so happy to be where I am today, because there was a slim chance of it happening just eight months ago. Eight months to be exact actually. But i'm here, and i'm better. And i would like to thank you all for believing in me." I announced, raising my glass of Dr. Pepper into the air awkwardly. Everyone else did the same. My aunt clapped, my father told me she was a bit weird. 

The small party went on until ten or eleven, and eventually all of my familly left, and my friends (whose names were Jack and Sarah) drove themselves home. I thanked my dad and hugged him for the gifts and the party, and went upstairs. Jennifer followed, who was sleeping over with me. 

Jennifer became my primary friend. The age gap seemed weird to some, but she was only 23, and I'm 16, so it's only seven years. We didn't care. She managed to get Gate fired, for severe mistreatment for a patient she was treating a month after I left. She wasn't allowed to tell what he did, she and I were just glad that he was gone for good. 

My dad got me a teacher to homeschool me for a year, so i can pick back up on what i missed or forgot. The school had closed anyway, due to a sudden lack of students and teachers (Those who died) and the whole front yard became a garden, filled with flowers and pictures and names of those who died. I was among them, but was marked as 'The Strong Survivor' 

"I have a special gift for you, Bella." Jen said, as she sat on my bed in her pajamas. They were a pair of cotton shorts, with stripes and a tight tank top that revealed her tan thin stomach slightly. She pulled a small box from behind her back, wrapped almost a bit too perfectly. 

"Oh, jeez Jen, you didn't have to do that." I said, blushing slightly. I took the box from her hands, and read the small card that went with it. 

'I hope you like it Bella. Saw it in the shop and thought of you. With much love, Jen'

I smiled, and opened the box. I gasped as i saw what was inside. It was a necklace, it had a silver heart, that was broken into pieces, but mended together (that was the design, it wasn't actually broken) In the very center lay a small diamond. It was real. The necklace piece was smooth and the chain was an elegant silver. 

"Oh my..." Was all I could say. I was speechless at its beauty. 

Jen smiled, "Look in the box again," 

I slowly looked, and saw something else. A bracelet. It, like the necklace was silver. It was a plain silver band that was smooth and cool against my skin. On the inside, there was an engravement, in  a cursive-like font. 

You are Beautiful

A tear streamed down my face, and I smiled at her. I adored them. I couldn't speak. I pulled her into a hug, and we sat there for some time. I loved Jen. I couldn't think of anything else. 

We were both tired, and soon went to sleep. I was happy. My life was great. She was great, so was my family, and friends. 


The cool night air chilled as I paced across my deck outside. It was only 3:00am, And i clutched my phone to my face, trying not to shake too hard. 

"911, what's your emergency?" The woman on the phone answered.

I yawned, even though i was no longer tired, "I need to speak to Officer Jim Samus. My name is Isabella Robertson."

The woman was silent for a moment, before she answered, "I'm sorry, He's out for the night, he will be back tomorrow, is there something I can do for you?" 

I was shaking harder than before, "No, but please leave a message for him, and tell him to call me as soon as he gets in. The message is, 'I REMEMBER'" I said, and hung up. 

(A/N:) Okay!!!! GUYS I AM MAKING A SEQUEL to be found soon in my profile. i hope you are willing to read it. i love y'all.  I hope you all loved Amnesia! GIve me feedback in the comment section of this chapter of what you want me to include in the sequel and what i should improve on!!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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