Amnesia- Chapter 10

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"Do you think you're ready Bella?" My dad asked me, as I walked out of my hospital room doorway for what looked like the last time.

"I think." Was all I said. I had finally had a chance to bathe, so the smell of sweat and overall stink was gone, and my long brown hair was wet, and clung to my back. My father had brought me some clothes from my closet at home. It was interesting to see how casual my wardrobe was. He brought me a pair of black yoga pants that were tight against my thin legs, and a baggy white t-shirt promoting a band called 'Fall Out Boy' I didn't know who they were, but I'm sure they are good if I have a t-shirt of them.

Gate found us as my dad and I was walking down the hallway and greeted my dad nicely. He was smiling, and talking about how much of a joy and a strong fighter I was, and how terribly he would miss me.

"BULL!" I said, in between a series of coughs. It wasn't very subtle, but if they had noticed, they hadn't said anything. I hated the way Gate was being so nice to my dad. So then when I get in the car I can't dish out insults about him, because he is making a good impression on my dad.

When we got to the lobby, my dad went off to sign some papers with Doctor Gate, and I sat in a chair and waited for them. My face beamed when I saw Jennifer walk into the room, holding something behind her back. I was sad that I had to go.

"Hey there Bella! I have a surprise for you!" She said with a smile. She pulled a Tupperware full of something in it; they were brown and cut into squares.

"What are they Jen?" I said, not knowing. They smelt delicious.

"They're called brownies. They are like little chocolate cake squares! They're really good! I thought I would make them for you and your dad as a going home gift." She had said, setting them on a coffee table next to the chairs I was sitting on.

"Oh! Thank you Jen." I replied. I didn't really know what chocolate was, but they smelt good, so I figured I would like them.

"It's going to be pretty sucky around here without you, Bella." Jennifer said, looking down at her shoes. I hugged her. We stayed in that hug for a long time. We hadn't ever hugged, but it was nice. Jennifer was my best friend, and I cared about her. She hugged me tight, and I even teared up. I would obviously miss her. Doctor Gate on the other hand, I was damn glad to leave.

Speaking of the devil, my dad returned with Gate, and Jennifer and I separated.

"Oh! What are these?" My dad asks, looking at the tray of brownies.

Jennifer replied, and we made our quick goodbyes. I had a checkup with Gate in two days. Two days without Jen.

My dad and I finally walked out of the hospital; he carried the brownies in one hand, and helped me walk with the other. His car was a navy blue Ford pickup. It was nice. I opened the heavy passenger seat door, and tried to push myself into the seat, but it was too high up. I fell.

My dad quickly came over and helped me up, apologizing all the while. The lifted me carefully into the seat, and I hated feeling helpless like that.

"You know, I was going to give you this car, when you got your drivers license. I still will, if you like it. I know that you used to love it." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot, trying to make conversation. I looked at him, slightly confused, because I didn't know what a driver's license is. But if it meant I get this car, it must be pretty cool.

"Okay, sounds good. How far away is our house?" I asked him, lightly.

He sighed, "Oh, about a half hour. It's a bit far, but it's nice. You can take in the town if you'd like during the time."

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