25: poison

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You were like poison, rushing through my veins. Taking over. Quick. Quick. Quick. Slowly and then deadly. Foam squirmed at my throat. My body shook. My tears fell. My bones clicked and creaked. I was screaming and choking over the poison bubbling in my lungs. My heart turned into a deadly green then black. It was nothingness. My eyes blacked over as my body stopped quivering. It was like watching a sad part in a tragedy without the music. You could see the people screaming and crying but you could hear no nothing. The people sobbed over the dead body in the movie. The cried and clung onto the pale and fragile corpses. They yelled and broke their knuckles on the wall. They denied the death. But this time, the death wasn't in a movie, but it was my death. I lay there, dead, as they sobbed, poison still lining my mouth.

-Esha Dev

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