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The warm December air was making me tired. Living in LA had its ups and downs, but this was a con.

My cheeks were red, no doubt. My hair was probably a mess onto top of my head. I really should've done something better with it. But I was running late. I hardly had time to brush it this morning.

I wrapped my fingers around the hot metal doorknob, and tugged at it. It wouldn't budge.

Crap! I thought Class has already started!

I would have to take the long way.

I let out an over exaggerated sigh, and started off. The back door to the school was hard to get to, which is why most kids take the front door. Those unlucky enough to be late, were forced to fake the door, only opened by the school janitor, Daniel Humphrey. Or, hump. (Unfortunate nickname, am I right?)

Hump and I were friends. I'd been late too many times, and I guess we bonded on always being late to things. The school I go to is pretty big on the phrase "Be there or be squared", so if you're late to my school, you don't show up. But nevertheless, the kids at my school found a loophole. Hump. Hump was a cool man in his early thirties, and always let us teenagers in through the back door.

I struggled to run in my converse, but I managed to make it to the back door. I knocked the secret code (Yes, there is a secret knock), and waited.

Suddenly, the door burst opened, and there emerged Hump.

"Chloe Lukasiak," He smirked, leaning against the doorframe. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I rolled my eyes at him. He knows exactly what happened. "I overslept you a-hole. Now please, let me in."

He moved away from where he once stood. "Well, come along kid, you don't have all day. Class started ten minutes ago."

My eyes widened, and pushed past him. "Thanks Hump! I owe ya one!"

"You've been telling me that for the past three years, kiddo!" He chuckled, walking back to his spot.

I rushed to my locker, and quickly punched in the passcode. As fast a lightening, I shoved my book bag in the red locker. I took a minute to fix my hair, then hurried off to my first class; Math.

I found the class, and opened the doorknob. The entire class looked at me, and I felt my cheeks redden.

"Ms. Lukasiak," the teacher boomed, making me jump, "I'm glad you decided to show up. Care to share with the class you're late?"

I stared at her. I'd never been good with talking on the spot.

"Um, she was helping me study last night. Sorry." A voice said.

I turned my head to find my best friend, Maddie Ziegler speaking up for me.

The teacher rolled her eyes. "Just don't let it happen again."

I gave a small smile, and plopped myself down in my seat, next to Maddie.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"No problem," Maddie smiled, "She was being annoying. And teachers will believe anything I say."

I nodded, and turned my head back to the teacher.

I never really liked school. I don't plan on continuing my education and going to college. I really just wanted to move out to New York and become an actress. I know that most people who do that end up working in gas stations, up but the stage has always been calling me.

When I was younger, nothing appealed to me more than the stage. The lights, the attention, the costumes! Everything about the stage always made me happy. In fact, my childhood consisted of me presenting original plays to my parents and my older brother and sister. With stuffed animals and dolls used as my co-stars, they were pretty terrible, but they stared my career. But I never really had the confidence to audition for anything.

But, in third grade, I gathered up enough confidence to try out for the part of Wendy, in our school production. Well, I ended up getting the understudy, but it boosted up my self esteem, and I ended up trying out for more parts in more plays.

I remember the first time I got a starring role; the fifth grade school production, The Little Mermaid. I beat out Kendall Vertes for the role. The night the play finally showed up, I almost threw up, but I collected myself together, and went onstage. From then on, I was known for the being the best actress in our school.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by something being thrown into my desk. I opened the folded piece of paper.

I have something exciting to tell you after class! -M

I looked at Maddie and smirked. Exciting things usually don't happen to her.

Maddie Ziegler. Ultimate nerd. Her parents have been saving for Harvard ever since she won the country - wide spelling bee when she was seven. Even after they split, Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler (Or, Gisoni now in Melissa's place), bonded over their precious daughter.

Every night she studies hard in her room. Nothing exciting. Every day she studies hard in the library. Nothing exciting. So this is new for her.

All throughout class, I kept contemplating on what her news could be.

I'm graduating early! Her voice said in my head.

I shook my head. She would never do that.

I finally got into Harvard!

Nope. Pretty sure she got in last year.

My sister finally stopped sleeping around!

Nope. Mackenzie will always love to have sex.

But, I just couldn't figure out what her exciting news was. I mean, I came up more ideas, but they were too extreme for Maddie.

The bell finally rung, and Maddie pulled me out of my seat.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, once we reached the girls' bathroom, "You seem pretty eager. What's your big news?"

Maddie took in a breath, and grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Josh Hyland asked me out!"


here's he first chapter!

i hope you guys like this, because i'm pretty excited for it.

the chapters will be longer, but this was sort of a introduction to chloe's life

comment, vote!

love you!💕

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