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After another hour of driving, the tiredness had hit me like a truck once again. One minute Josh and I are belting out cheesy holiday music, the next I'm passed out in the passenger seat.

When I wasn't completely asleep (like, half-asleep) I thought I heard Josh mutter "Lukasiak, one day I'm gonna snap, and I won't be able to hold it back anymore."

But I knew it was just my mind paying tricks on me.

After what felt like only five minutes of sleep, I jolted awake when Josh started shaking me.

"We're here." He told me, unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the car.

I sat up, rubbing away the tiredness from my eyes. "Where are we?"

Suddenly, Josh appeared by my side, unbuckling the seat belt for me. He gave me a small smile as he pulled me out from the car. "I'm taking you to my special place."

Josh then set me down in my feet, giving me a reassuring pat. But in return, I sent a tired glare his way. "It's late, Josh."

"I know, but it'll take ten minutes, top." He told me, stepping closer. My pulse quickened as he did so. He inched his way closer and closer to my body, before stopping and whispering, "Please."

That was enough to break me. "Fine."

We walked for two minutes, before coming across a large plantation covered by a large green wall. I took noticed that faded posters hung on the walls, all having something to do with baseball.

"Where are we?" I questioned, my voice coming out quiet and raspy.

Josh just grinned. It was hard to get a good look at him in the dark lighting, but he still poked breathtaking as ever. His hood covered his sandy blond hair, but baby hairs still made their way out. From this angle, I could see him gnawing on his black lip ring, driving me mad inside.

Sometimes I wondered if it was possible for Josh to ever feel the same way that I did. It seemed like a deranged idea on my head, but my heart overpowered in the end. I sometimes say in my room and thought about what it would be like to date Josh.

Considering he's on the football team, he would give me his jersey on game days for good luck (like he did with Maddie). On Sundays we would lay lazily in bed, talking about nothing and everything at the same time (like Maddie told me they often did), and we would go on cheesy dates whether fancy dinners together, or just staring up at the stars, getting lost in conversation (like what he did Maddie).

But when I thought about this, I realized how incredibly selfish I was being. Maddie was happy. Happier than is ever seen her before. It would be self-centered of me to make a move, even if Josh didn't feel the same way about me.

"The Armadillos' Stadium," Josh spoke up, interrupting me from my thoughts. "They were a minor league baseball team from nineteen twenty-one to nineteen eighty-three."

I looked up. "Why are we here?"

Josh just turned and peered down at me. "Why not?"

And with that, he took off.

Given the fact that Josh was a football player, he was the fastest runner ever.

I, for one, was not particularly fond of running. In sixth grade when we had to run the mile, Maddie ended up placing second for our whole class (next to Kendall Vertes) and I ended up in the nurse's office with stomach troubles.

So catching up with Josh was a challenge, but after sprinting through the inside of the baseball walls like a maniac, I eventually found him staring off into space in one of the bleachers.

I plopped down next to him. "Are we allowed to be here?"

Josh shrugged. "Probably not."

The ball park itself was nowhere in sight, considering that no light had been shed on it. Though I was extremely tired, going to sleep was the last thing I wanted to do.

Just then, Josh stood up and told me to stay put. After he took off in the direction of the exit, I huffed and leaned my head on my hand.

It was around five minutes later when light illuminated the park. The lights made the field look even greener, and the bleachers even brighter. A smile its way to my lips when this happened.

Another five minutes passed before Josh returned to my side, wearing a goofy grin.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

Josh shrugged in response. "Late."

I rubbed my eyes in hope to rid them of the tiredness. But I leaned my head on Josh's shoulder out of instinct instead.

He stiffened at first, almost not knowing what to do. But after that, he released and wrapped his arms sound my shoulder.

At the time, it didn't cross my mind that Josh was dating my best friend. It didn't occur that they were seriously dating by this point. I didn't think that Maddie might've loved him, and he might've loved her back.

I was stuck in the moment, and I didn't care about the repercussions.

By this point, I was extremely beyond exhausted, and I was ready to fall asleep on pins and needles.

"I'm gonna fall asleep right now." I muttered, not having the energy to talk out loud.

We sat in the same position, only I was practically leaning Josh to hold myself up. We—actually, more like Josh—talked and talked tired words out loud. My eyes had grown heavier and heavier, and I was convinced I would pass out at any minute.

"Geez, Chloe," Josh muttered under his breath. "At least let me breathe a little."

I hummed in response, losing all energy I once had.

I felt Josh move under me, then I felt hands go under my legs, lifting me up. Having absolute no energy left, I let Josh carry me all the way to the car.

I felt safe in his arms, like no one could ever hurt me as long as that's where I was. It felt like I could get struck by lightning and I would still be content.

I finally heard the car door open and was placed into a leather seat I recognized as Josh's passenger seat. I felt his warm hand tuck some blonde just behind me ear, placing a small kiss to my forehead.

"I'll be right back." He whispered.

It felt like no time until he came back. I heard him slide into the driver's seat mad start the car. Then I felt the car drive off into the distance.

I was somehow still awake.

Although I had been extraordinary exhausted minutes before, I was never able to fall asleep in cars.

But I still sat with my eyes closed, in hope that it would somehow make me fall into slumber. Josh must've thought I was asleep.

Josh was humming along to some song that played quietly in the background. I recognized the song as Love Grows.

But the thing that really got me to pay attention was when he changed the name Rosemary to Chloe.

hey friends!

i'm so so so so so sorry this is kinda late.

lately i've been feeling like i've kinda lost my mojo to write.

idk i just don't have the motivation to write like i used to.

anyways, who wants to hear about my boring life?


comment, vote!

love you!

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