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I woke up to crying.

I groaned, propping myself up with my arm, glancing at the digital clock beside my bed.

3:14 am

I rubbed my eyes, yawning. I walked over to where I kept the baby (One of my cat's old beds) and picked her up.

"Why are you crying?" I muttered. I sighed when I didn't get a response. Honestly, what was I expecting?

Eventually, I realized the baby needed to be fed. So I grabbed the baby's bottle, and stuck it in its mouth.

I rocked it back and forth for awhile, before it finally calmed down. I gently set it back down, and started for my bed.

But unfortunately, that's when my sister showed up.

She burst through the door with messed up hair, and a wrinkled nightgown. She wrote a glare as she started blabbing. "What the hell was that?"

I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "My baby."

"When did you have a baby? Teenage pregnancies aren't good for my campaign." Clara growled.

"It's a fake baby for my health class," I explained. "Next weekend it's Josh' turn."

"Who the hell is Josh?"

"My partner for the project." I answered, quietly stepping back into bed.

Clara looked spring the room, a scowl on her face as she did so. "That baby better not wake me up again."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll get mom and dad to ground you again." She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Growing up, every time I would piss Clara off, she would go to mom and dad and claim that I punched her or kicked her. Since I had anger issues, most of the time that was true. But Clara would always get her way.

"Why you little-"

"I'd be careful what you say to me," Clara smirked. "I can get you kicked out of the house. Just like Nick."

"Don't you talk about Nick like that," I growled, taking a step towards her. I could feel the anger boiling in my chest. "And you know mom and dad didn't kick him out."

"Oh that's right," Clara laughed. "He left. Because he got bored of you and your constant hovering."

I bit my lip. Clara knew that was a sensitive subject, yet she said it anyway. "Get out!"

Clara gave one last smirk, and made her way out of my room. After she was gone. I sat down on my bed and ran my fingers through my messy blonde locks. Clara always found ways to make me angry. She knew just the right buttons to push.

After minutes of calming myself down, I was able to fall asleep.

It was mid-day, and Clara, mom, and dad were at a rally. They were spending the night at a hotel, so that left me in charge of the house for a night.

So I sat on my overpriced couch, feeding the baby, with Home Alone on the flat screen TV. Every once in a while, I would take a sip from my Christmas mug. Even though it was seventy degrees outside, it still felt like Christmas time to me.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted the movie. I pressed pause, set the baby in the carrier, and ran over to the door.

"Do you need something?" I groaned, stepping away from the door.

Josh stood there, a football t-shirt on his chest, and grey sweatpants hung at his hips. He wore a lopsided smile with a bit of smug in it.

Josh took this opportunity to let himself in. "Nice to see you too, Chloe. I just thought it would be a good idea to spend some time with my family."

"Go to your actual family, Josh."

"I am with my family," He spoke. "I got my kid, my wife-"

"I'm not your wife, Josh."

And with that, Josh placed a quick kiss to my cheek. Immediately, my cheeks started to redden. I placed my hand on my cheek once he pulled away. "What the fuck was that for?"

"I believe you're the one blushing, Chloe."

I narrowed my eyes. "Shut up."

"Oh, I love Home Alone!" Josh squealed, jumping onto my couch.

"Whoa, whoa," I spoke. "I never said you could stay."

"But I wanna spend some time with my family."

He gave me those big, baby blue eyes that I so desperately adored. I tried to look anywhere but them, but I gave in. "Fine."

We sat on separate ends of the couch. Me on the left, him on the left. The baby sat between us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I would notice him sneaking glances my way. I tried to think the best of it, but I knew he was smitten with my best friend. There was absolutely nothing I could do to change his feelings.

I let out a rather large sigh, and leaned back on the couch. Josh looked over at me, raising a blonde eyebrow. "What's got you sighing like that?"

"Nothing, nothing." I muttered.

"You sure?"


Josh nodded, occupying his attention to the screen. I took this opportunity to admire him. His hair was flat on his forehead and his blue eyes were fixed on the screen.

As much as it pained me, I knew I could never admit my true feelings to him. He was happy with Maddie. She was happy with him. It wouldn't be fair of me to ruin their relationship. Besides, it's not like he would like me back anyway.

The movie had just ended, and Josh kept sending me looks.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I sleep over?" He asked.

"Why?" I questioned.

Josh bit his lip, almost telling me that it was complicated. "I had a bit of a fight with my parents."

I sighed, gnawing on my bottom lip. "Fine. You're just really lucky my parents aren't home for the night."

Josh grinned. "Where can I sleep?"

"On the couch."

And with that, I walked over to the closet, and pulled out a pillow and a blanket for him. I threw them at him, and he set them down on the couch.

"Goodnight, Chloe."

I smiled. "Goodnight, Josh."

filler chapter, i know

short because next one will be longer

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