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I awoke to rustling from the kitchen.

I lifted myself up, and yawned. I figured it must've been my parents or Clara, so I shrugged and got out of bed. I stretched my arms over my head, letting out a tired yawn.

I turned the corner out of my room and down the stairs. To my surprise, it wasn't my parents or my parents making the noise. A bare back was facing me, shielding me from their face.

Out of instinct, I panicked and turned to grab an old baseball bat from the garage. I snuck up behind the figure and hit them where the sun doesn't shine.

After that, I had to hold back a giggle, realizing that it was in fact Josh, making a (now burnt) piece of toast.

Biting my lip was I had to do in order to keep from laughing.

Josh sat in front of me, holding a pack of frozen peas to his crotch. He wore an angry glare on his face, blue eyes cold and locked with mine.

"Sorry about...that," I muttered, peeling my eyes away from his. "I kinda forgot you spent the night."

He didn't say anything. Instead of responding, he just grunted, then wincing and leaning forward. I stifled a giggle, but he just shot an icy glare my way.

"Fine," I huffed. "Have it your way."

Then I reached over to my phone, picked it up, ready to dial Maddie's number.

"What are you doing?" He interrupted.

"Calling Maddie," I answered. "She can come pick you up, and you two lovebirds can spend the day staring into each other's eyes and listing off all the things you adore about each other."

But Josh shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Nah. I think I'll spend the day here."

The truth was, I longed to spend the day with him. Watching movies, cuddling, talking lazy circles around each other. Lazing, comforting circles.

My feelings for Josh were still up in the air, but I knew I liked him as more than my best friend's boyfriend. It scared me to be honest. I knew Maddie would be hurt if she found out, which was why I had to keep these feelings hidden and act like they don't exist.

But I just rolled my eyes. "No thanks."

"Aw, c'mon, you hate me that much?"


When I responded with this, I noticed a flicker of something in his eyes. Hurt?

"Well, that gives me all the reason to hang out here," Josh explained, the smirk playing back onto his lips. "Besides, Maddie's spending the day with her dad."

I groaned, remembering that this was the one day of the month that Maddie spent in Beverly Hills with her father.

"And I wanna spend some time with my family."

"How about you go home to your actual family. I'm sure they miss their golden child." I spat, biting my inner cheek.

Josh's face wavered, but only for a mere second before replacing it with his famous smirk. "Lukasiak, If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were avoiding me because of a little crush."

Immediately my cheeks warmed. I crossed my arms over my chest, replying defensively, "On you? Please, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'll have sex with you at the drop of a hat."

Josh's face turned into a hard glare. "I'm not going home."

Figuring I wasn't going to get him to leave, I sighed. "Fine. You can stay, but I'm putting a movie in to keep you occupied."

Josh shrugged, finding his way onto my couch. I took this opportunity to search through my dozens of DVDs my family had gathered throughout the years. Eventually, I settled on something I figured we'd both like; Shrek (shoutout to my friends at camp)

"You're making me watch a meme?" Josh questioned, raising a brow at me.

"It was a movie before it was a meme," I responded. "And a quality movie. Before the Internet ruined it."

Josh just rolled his eyes, leaning back into the couch. I put the movie in, and decided to watch it myself. I had pulled Amelia out of my room, and she was watching with us.

Throughout the movie, I couldn't keep my eyes on the movie. They would drift over to Josh—just to see if he was watching me. Most of the time he wasn't, but it was nice to think that he was.

I would watch how his dirty blond eyebrows would furrow when he focused. And how he laughed when one of the characters said something funny. How he was cuddled up made me wanna go up and cuddle with him.

But he was with my best friend and I had to remember that. I had to respect that he was making Maddie happier than I'd ever witnessed her being. I had to respect that I'd never seen Josh smile so much when he was with her. I had to respect that they liked each other. I had to lock my feelings in a box and store them away forever.

Interrupting me from my thoughts, Josh reached form the remote and pressed pause.

"What?" I wondered, hugging my knees to my chest.

"Wanna play twenty questions?"

"Nope, nope, and nope," I answered, reaching back for the remote. "No fuckboy things today, not today."

But before I could, Josh pulled the remote away, raising an eyebrow. "You're obsessed with that word, aren't you."

"Not really. I just know you're a fuckboy, and you're not coming near me."

"Are you afraid you'll fall for me or something?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, raising my eyes to his. He couldn't find out. "In your dreams, Hyland."

But I had so many questions eating away at me. How had he known where I lived? Why did he take his shirt off during the night? Why was his first instinct to come here?

I had eventually fought the remote back from Josh's needy hands. When the movie had ended, Josh left without so much as a thank you.

So that night I was alone with the baby and a sad excuse for a Christmas tree, getting lost in my thoughts, with my head in the clouds.

i can't wait for fall because my birthday is in the fall and i really love the cold weather. save me from the hot outside.

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