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i know that i said that i would come around to finishing this story, but the ideas have just stopped flowing.

so you can probably guess from the title that this story is no longer.

i realized it's been a year since i've last updated, and i think that that's my limit.

but i'll never delete this story, bc ik some of y'all love this story and i know how i would feel if i could never read a book i really liked again

also, i'm taking account in a different direction i made this account when i was eleven, and i'm fifteen now, and i think y'all can guess about how much i've changed since then. i don't enjoy writing about the same people anymore, and i think everyone can agree it's no fun when the author isn't having fun with the plot.

the first story i'll be publishing under my new theme is about my main squish peter parker.

i don't think i've ever told y'all this, but i would die for peter parker. he's adorable and by far my favorite marvel character, which is a lot considering how much i adore steve rogers.

i'm so excited for this story so here's the summary for it !

Lilia Wright has never been quite sure who she is. With a nonexistent mother and a foggy family history, nothing ever really seemed to fall into place for her. School is no exception, considering she's basically invisible in the eyes of her peers. The only thing keeping her going is her older brother, who ensures his younger sibling is always feeling okay.

But when she stumbles across a fumbling-word boy she's known most her life, things might just change for the better.

ik it's not what i've usually written about, but change is good. change is scary, but it's good, and i'm excited for this change. 

stick around if you want, fall in peter parker like i have if you haven't already

signing off of resistance,


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