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To say I was shocked was an understatement.

I couldn't believe that popular jock, Josh Hyland, asked out my nerdy best friend, Maddie Ziegler.

Meet Josh Hyland. Also known as the biggest douchebag in our school. He's pretty easy on the eyes, though. With his dirty blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes, he had girls begging on their knees to date him. He's a senior, just a grade above us, and has banged almost every girl in our school. He's also captain of the football team, and has won countless trophies for he's done. He's the most popular guy in our school, which made me question what he wants with Maddie.

"Seriously?" I scoffed.

Maddie nodded eagerly.

"Does he even know you exist?" I laughed.

"Chlo." She wined.

Maddie has never had a boyfriend. Well, if you count middle school "relationships", the yeah. I guess Maddie had one boyfriend. But he was just using her to hide his sexuality. He turned out to be gay, but a really good guy.

"Mads," I sighed, "You know what Josh is known for doing."

She shook her head. "But Chloe, I'm not gonna let that happen. And I think this one is different. He promised that he wouldn't pressure me into anything."

I rolled my chocolate brown eyes at her. "Fuck him. He doesn't know a thing about relationships."

"Give him a chance." Maddie begged, her big blue eyes staring right into mine.

Those eyes were the reason why I did ever stupid thing I've ever done. The girl knows how to persuade people. The blue eyes could convince a nun to be sinner.

"Are you sure, Mads?" I asked, still unconvinced that Josh really likes her.

Maddie groaned. "Yes, Chlo! It's just one date! Please quit acting like my mother!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sometimes, Maddie, it feels like I'm your mother."


I've always loved Fridays. It gave me an excuse to have a Netflix marathon, and not have to worry about my homework.

"I'm home!" I yelled, once I stepped inside the mud room to my house.

I sighed when I didn't receive an answer. Sometimes, I feel like I'm ignored in this house.

With my older sister running for congress, it seems like all my parents care about is her. She's twenty six (ten years older than me), and has always sorta hated me ever since I entered this world.

When I was six, I got a brand new Barbie doll, and I could not've been more excited about it. I paraded the doll around the house, because I was so psyched about it. I guess my sister must've been on her period that week, because Clara ripped the head off of my Barbie doll. My parents didn't care, though. They made up some dumb excuse about how sophomore year was being rough in her.

Third grade. I was all excited about seeing my sister after her first semester at college. I had a thanksgiving play, and I was cast as the turkey. My sister showed up, but made a rude remark about how fat I looked in the costume. My parents agreed with her.

My older brother, however, had taken a liking to me ever since I came out of the womb.

Nick's twenty three, a couple of years younger than Clara. He's just finished his last year of college. We bonded over many things, such as sports, food, TV, and more things.

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