I get possessed. again *rolls eyes*

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"What happened?!" I asked.
"You...... Flipped the flying fuck out and almost killed her. She knows it wasn't your fault so don't worry." Jonas explained. She has a hand mark on her cheek, and a gash in her forehead and thigh. She had been bleeding quite badly. I sat down.
"I feel so bad, even though I wasn't in control. Oh gods" i mumbled.
"So Nona wanted to see you when you woke up. She's in the room just down the corridor and its the 5th door in your left."
"Where are we?" i asked.
"One of the hospitals that was here." He explained. I nodded and went off to see Nona. 1st door..... 2nd door..... 3rd door..... 4th door..... Ah here! 5th door!
"Hello-o" i said, trying to communicate with whoever was on the other side. I heard a lot of things clatter over as someone made their way to the door. Clarissa stood by the door.
"I'm assuming you're here for Nona? Jonas sent you?" She asked. I nodded. "She's here." Clarissa called into the room. I heard more things clatter and fall over as someone else made their way to the door.
"Hi! So we didn't speak much. I thought you might want to talk?" Nona asked, opening the door fully revealing the room. It looked like it had been hit by an earthquake.
"Yeah sure. But Christ, what the hell happened in there?"
"Well we were in a rush when we heard you coming down the corridor...." Nona tried to explain.
"Why a rush?" i continued.
"Because. Now stop asking questions." She dragged me into the room. Clarissa had already walked out. She asked me a bunch of questions. She told me a lot about herself. That feeling again....... "You can go now!" She smiled.
"Thanks for the good chat! Bye!" I managed to get in before I left the room and BAM. Possessed again. Goddamn. Me and Percy were sitting on a cliff edge.
"Im sorry for going against what you said. I want to go. Very badly. And my mom supports me going. But I'm glad we were able to spend some moments together before I went." He said. We weren't near the edge. Percy started to walk forward.
"Percy could you stay back here? Y-You might fall."
"Cmon Wise Girl! I won't fall."
"Please Percy!" I insisted.
"Okay then! I won't!"
"I promise! You must have good reason. So I'll stay away. Okay?"
"Thanks Percy." Then i woke up. Jonas wasn't hugging me this time. He was sitting in a chair next to me. "Did I hurt anyone?" i asked
"The ghosts flung you into a wall. You broke your arm and leg. We tried to contact someone using your phone but no one answered."
"Jesus. Why are they torturing me right now? What did I do?"
"I don't know. None of us do. Alex is fine now by the way. She healed up pretty fast. Michaels been looking after her ever since." Jonas got up. "Well i better get going. I was going to talk to Alex about something when you woke up. See you later." He walked out the room. I tried to get up but was stopped by my broken leg. My arm was fine and in a cast. I put myself flat on the floor and crawled over to a crutch on the other side of the room. I used it to support myself to get up and followed Jonas. Michael had just walked out the room when I got there. He stood outside his ear to the door. "You're here to listen too aren't you?" i asked making him jump.
"Jesus Wise Girl you scared the shit out of me. But yes. Cmon." He indicated a spot by the wall that gave me full support while being able to listen to the conversation. "We can't stay too close to the door" He mouthed. I nodded.
"So since when have you had the hots for Clarissa?" I could just about hear Jonas ask.
"Since never." Alex said, clearly ultimately surprised by the question.
"So you're saying you've never got lost in her beautiful blue eyes?" Jonas teased. Alex was silent for a moment.
"Brown........ Beautiful brown eyes....." She corrected. I could almost hear Jonas' grin.
"You actually pay that much attention to her eyes? And you never answered my question. So you're saying you never got lost in her eyes?"
"No......." Alex stuttered.
"You're blushing! You totally have!" Jonas teased once more.
"Okay maybe I have what's the big deal?!"
"She's your brothers girlfriend. Thats why." It was getting progressively harder not to laugh. "You totally like her. Admit it." Typical Jonas from what I've heard. Annoying people into admitting things. The sneaky bastard.
"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't."
"You totally do. Cmon I won't tell!"
"Jonas you are such an asshole" She murmured before saying "Okay I do! Now please leave me alone! Jesus!" She walked towards the door and me and Michael quickly had to pretend we were walking down the hall at the time. I limped slightly and headed down the hall back to the infirmary. "What were you doing down here Annabeth?" Alex asked, closing the door behind her.
"I was going for a little walk. Explore the place you know? I don't know this place as well as the rest of you do." i lied. She bought it.
"Oh okay!" She walked off paying no attention to Michael whatsoever. Then Jonas walked out the room.
"What the hell do you think you're doing out of bed with your injuries?!"
"Looking around idiot. I don't know this place as well as the rest of you do!" I told him. He didn't buy it. Fuck.
"I think you followed me. You did didn't you? You and him listened in on our conversation didn't you?!"
"I have a name thank you very much."
"Oh shut up. You and Michael listened in on our conversation then!"
"We didn't!"
"I'm sorry Annabeth but I refuse to believe you."
"We didnt! Really!" I insisted.
"Lets just stop arguing. You should really get back to the infirmary." Jonas walked off down the corridor.

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