A sleepover kinda?

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An Alex POV :3
"So we have to share the sleeping bag?" I didn't feel like we shouldn't.
"I can sleep on the sand if you want." Annabeth offered.
"No its fine. Just making sure were sharing it. Good things its a really big sleeping bag." It was like 2 meters wide and about 6 feet long.
"Jesus that is a big sleeping bag. We can sleep away from eachother if that'll make it less awkward."
"Nah it's fine." i reassured her. I waited politely for Annabeth to snuggle up into the sleeping bag before getting in myself. It felt weird sleeping this close to her. But nice..... I was tempted to grab her hand again, but decided against it as it looked like she'd fallen asleep already. I chuckled to myself while stroking her hair again. "Must've been really tired." i tried to get to sleep but one song line was plastered into my head snd it prevented me from sleep. I was tempted to smack my head one (is that a term others use or just my family/British people?) and knock myself out. But I'm not one for self harm and I'm not strong enough. I was also tempted to yell out "I CHIME IN HAVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR! NO, IT'S BETTER TO FACE THESE KINDS OF THINGS WITH POISE AND RATIONALITY!" But it'd wake literally everyone up. After stroking Annabeths hair for a good hour or two i drifted to sleep. Finally. My dream was weird I guess. It made all sorts of references to I write sins not tragedies because I'm literally obsessed with it at the moment. If i described it in detail you would find it really weird. So I'm not gonna bother (A/N I can always make a charger describing the dream. All you need is to ask for it.). I woke up to find Annabeth sitting on the sand, behind the grass we had set the sleeping bag on, staring at me. "W-What time is it?" I asked.
"About 10 past 8 in the morning." Annabeth told me, putting her phone away. I figured she used it to tell me the time. She threw a stick away into the water. This stick has a lot of importance to this Annalex ship btw.
"So what are we doing this fine Sunday?" i asked, the sun was shining brightly, and not a little black rain cloud in sight. No honey bears named Pooh either.
"I don't know. I was planning on finding the others with Jonas over there." Annabeth pointed over into the distance where a green figure known as Jonas (A.K.A my stepbrother) stood. Or sat. I couldn't tell from where I lay at the time. I sat up and awkwardly got up and out of the sleeping bag.
"We probably should find them." i agreed, stretching my arms as i got up. "I mean if Nona and Ren got up to anything last night I wanna hear the goss man."
"The goss?" Annabeth laughed.
"Yeah. The gossip. The news. Stuff like that."
"Oh. Okay." Annabeth got up. "Oh I forgot to mention, you drool in your sleep."
"Really?" i wiped my mouth and blushed because I didn't freakin know I drooled in my sleep like oh gods. I had hoped that blush had gone away before we got to the Adler estate but no luck. It was still plastered on my face. It wasn't even a light blush! I looked like I just walked in on my parents doing the dirty! Oh my god that sounds hilarious. Doing the dirty. Pfffffff. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked.
"How are we getting over?" i asked myself.

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