The Adler estate.

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"Maybe we can climb over." Annabeth answered my question for myself. Nona's beanie was on one of the spiky things for some reason. I reached up and fished it off. It still felt warm. I put it on and my head instantly felt warmer and i felt great. I see why Nona wears this all the time its like a blanket except you wear it on your head. It makes you feel all warm inside. "It suits you!" Annabeth chuckled. "Anyway we should probably climb over now." She skilfully climbed up to the top and did a little backflip down.
"Woah." i had a feeling I was blushing even deeper which wasn't good. I climbed up the fence carefully, trying not to damage the precious beanie. I wanted to keep it, but i had to give it back to Nona. Maybe I should put it back? Nah. I'll keep it on. I dropped down and stumbled slightly, in which Annabeth immediately camw to my aid, asking if I needed help. It took a good 5 minutes of reassuring her I was fine before she left me alone. We headed up into the house and heard snoring. Ren. Ren was asleep. Great. I stepped into the living room to be greeted by Nona on the couch/sofa/whatever it is to you. She was happily watching Netflix.
"Hi." I greeted rather awkwardly. Nona looked at me
"Its a nice beanie, isn't it?" She asked, her eyes darting back to the TV screen.
"Yeah actually. Its nice and warm. You want it back?"
"Nah its fine. Keep it. Thats why I have a spare. Oh by the way, you left the goddamn door open."
"Really? I thought I closed it." I looked back to see an open door. "The hell?" i walked back and closed it. "So what happened up here? Anything?"
"Not really. Ren followed me up here. Insisted he sleep in the same bed. Kinda creepy." i raised an eyebrow at that. "But after I while I told him if he could go away I'd let him tomorrow. But we have school tomorrow. And he was high as all fuck so he's probably forgot. Where is Ren by the way?"
"He's..... I don't know actually. All I heard was his snoring." i told her honestly because I really didn't. Just heard him. She sighed.
"Well i better go check on him." She got up reluctantly. "He probably found my spare beanie. I better go get it off him."
"You sure? I could do it." i offered, trying to be nice.
"Well if you are we don't want his high self to mistake you for me, so I better have my beanie back for now."
"Reasonable." i took off the beanie and my head went all cold. I shivered a little but handed it back to Nona all the same. I headed upstairs. Ren lay asleep sprawled on the floor, clutching Nona's spare beanie like his life depended on it. His grip wasn't too tight on it and it pulled away quite easily. I returned from my mission successful.
"You can have that one if you want. I might want to keep the original...."
"Sure." i put on the beanie and it felt just as, if not warmer than the other beanie. Oh gods this is gonna be considered Nonalex isn't it oh shite. Fuuuuccckkkkk. Oh well. "So I know you're okay. I better go find Annabeth."
"Did you two do anything last night?" Nona blurted out before I could walk away.
"Well i don't know how I could've walked away without you asking that. Annabeth went to sleep the second she lay down and i decided to be a good perhaps girlfriend and make sure she was alright." i told her honestly.
"Hair stroking too?" Nona asked.
"How did you?!"
"Jonas told me... Before you guys came over."
"Dammit Jonas..... Well as i said, I better go find Annabeth." i waved and walked off. That was awkward as all hell. I looked outside for Annabeth. She sat out on a little mini cliff thing, her legs dangling over the edge. Her grey eyes once again filled with sorrow.

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