The actual end (sorry if this seemed rushed)

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I silently walked over to Annabeth, waiting for her to notice me. "I've been thinking," Annabeth mumbled. "That you should know who Percy was. Sit. I have a lot to tell you." So i sat next to her on the grass. "He was..... My angel. We were going to escape to Greece together, just the two of us. Then..... He died. Despite all his dad did to try and stop them..... They killed him. Those bloody animals killed him. Poseidon.... He tried to stop the rebellious sharks. They wanted to hit Poseidon where it hurt. But that wasnt all they did. They broke Camp Half-Bloods base of operations and strategic planning. Me. I just thought you might want to know."
"Is this like those Percy Jackson books I read a good while ago?" i asked, recalling a Percy from that.
"That's exactly who he is."
"Really?! So demigods actually exist and you really HAVE made me immortal and you're the really cute blonde daughter of Athena?!" I was quite shocked. The girl who liked ME of all people was a demigod! A rather famous one at that! Holy schist!
"Uhuh." Annabeth nodded. My head was spinning.
"Schist duuudddeeee. My head hurts." Then i blacked out. The shock took a toll on my mental health at the time and made me physically ill.
"Thanks Will." was the first thing I heard when i woke up. A blonde figure dissipated into thin air as i opened my eyes.
"Crikey what happened?" my head was killing me.
"Crikey?" Clarissa laughed. "She gets it off you y'know." She nudged Michael. Apparently we'd started to go home I was out for that long.
"You blacked out. Now we're heading home." Annabeth once again gazed out over the sea, but with a look of acceptance this time, not sorrow. I sat up on the bench they'd laid me on and clutched my head. It hurt even more. "Best thing to do is lie down." So i did. I trusted Annabeth. It felt much better. Thats when i realised the beanie Nona let me have was next to me on the floor. While the others were conversing amongst themselves I put it on and I felt much better. It was almost as if it had special healing powers. That's when I fell asleep. Again. I woke up just as we docked. Everyone else got off and I made a rush to gather my stuff (the beanie as that had been taken off me) and get off the boat. Annabeth was waiting for me. We headed over to the others together. We chatted for a little before the others headed their separate ways. "So we aren't an actual 'couple' as such. So...." Annabeth stuttered a little. "W-W......Would you go out with me?" i nodded and hugged her.
And on that note that's the end of this story. I can work on the others now yay. But i hoped you all enjoyed this fanfic. The most update it'll get it view milestones. Thank you all for reading this :)

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