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Year 2134

You know that moment when you wake up. That blissful moment when you don't remember anything. When you don't feel anything. But then a few minutes later everything comes crawling back. The pain. The thoughts. The memories.

I was so sure it wasn't going to last. It never does. In the end, I'm always reminded of everything I simply don't want to be.

For instance, my mother was dying.

Four months ago, she was diagnosed with a rare illness. The doctors say she has slowly began to heal but I know their lying for me and Adeline's sake. Though there are ways she could get better, living in the society we live in today, that was impossible.

I stare at my reflection through the broken glass, a deep sigh escapes my dried lips as I examine the bags underneath my eyes.

Mornings like these, are the nights when I don't sleep. When I'm being constantly reminded of everything going on.

"Serena, come on how long do you need? Your going to be late for your meeting with the government." My older brother Rory shouts through my somewhat left of a door.

Wren, my bestfriend had begged me to sign up for a position working with the government. No one new exactly what the position held, but the government was willing to pick two people from the lower class, and basically hand them everything they ever wanted and need, but had to complete their job. I of course, thought it was to good to be true. Nothing ever gets handed to you easily in life.

Almost forgetting that Rory was waiting on me, I quickly hopped in my small shower. Not getting used to the cold water that always shoots out of the faucet head, I jumped forward, trying to let my skin adjust to the water temperature.

We don't have access to warm water. And by we, I mean us poors.

Most poors don't have a home. The government took it away because they couldn't afford their taxes anymore.

But lucky people like my family and I, were granted with one, because my father passed away from war, which he was forced to by the government. Just because he tried protecting this country, which isn't really a country anymore considering everything has fallen out of place.

I don't really remember much of my father,  though he only passed away 5 years ago. All my pain ate away my memories. My happiness. All I remember was being close to my father. But when he was drafted into war, I hardly saw him, only every 8 months, which wasn't enough. Everyone loved him though. Everyone on the street always gave him that looked as if he was some sort of leader. I never understood why, even until now. My mother never stopped talking about how he was a selfless leader, caring, and trustworthy. You could just tell with one simple glance at my parents, they were in love.

When I was younger my mother always told me how her and my father shared an endless love story. How they went on adventures, and saved the world. Crazy right?

That's one of the reasons why I hate emotion. Because the person you trusted, loved the most, always ends up leaving one way or another.  I can't feel anything anyway. Anything besides pain. I can't love. I can't feel happiness.

I don't even think love exist. I feel only people like in novels and films find their one true love. But others like me and the rest of somewhat normal human beings, we don't get lucky.

One of the reasons why I don't let people in is because everyone ends up stabbing you in the back. Simply, they leave. As if it was the easiest thing they've ever done. The only person I've let through my walls is my bestfriend Wren. He's the only person I trust in this messed up society.

The cold relaxing water immediately comes to a stop, meaning their was no water left. I quickly gathered my things as I got dressed, ready to leave my small shack of a home.

I walk down the narrowness of stairs, as in greeted by Wren, waiting for me. Rory must've let him in.

"Let's go or we'll be late" Wren grunts.

Someone must've pissed him off because usually, he never speaks that way.

"Who's gotten your panties in a twist this morning" I joke, showing the little piece of humanity I have left in me.

"Ha ha so funny" He rolls his eyes, with a very huge hint of attitude. "But if
You must know, then it's this whole audition/meeting/ orientation shit for the government. It's nerve wracking. Like I don't get why they don't just help more than 'two chosen lucky winners'" He exclaims huffing, throwing his arms in the air frantically.

"Well that's the government of Chicago for ya bud" I sigh. Totally agreeing with him.

After a few more minutes of walking, shouts, and screams were heard. Me and Wren gave each other a quick glance before looking around trying to figure out  where the noise came from.

I turn to my left, noticing a group of people huddling and walking together. And in that very moment I realized who they were.

The resoluted.

The resoluted are our governments soldiers. Their the high respected. And they get everything they demand for.

I watched with unwavering eyes as a large group of the resoluted passed me, surely I was asking for a death sentence- no one ever looks at the resoluted directly.

I studied each person carefully. Never really seeing the resoluted upfront until now. But as I go from person to person, my eyes meet another.

I stared at the man before me. His alluring eyes taking in my presence. His reckless curls stealing my attention. Before walking off he sends me a slight smirk before turning to walk with the rest of his group, blood rushing into my Cheeks.

I look over to see if Wren noticed, but gladly, did not.

We continue to walk off on the dirty path, but I can't help but think about those beautiful green eyes I just encountered. My nerves not helping, practically eating me alive since it's basically like our orientation for our Electives, and honestly I'm just so afraid of what the future holds.

Wren and I stand outside the glass doors. Not ready to face what lies behind these solid walls, we walk in anyway.

But little did we know that this was our biggest mistake.



Oh yeah by the way I'm 15 years old a freshman in highschool.

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