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"Wake up"


"Serena, wake up"

"Wren, can you just shut up and leave?"

"Serena stop shitting around and get up! You're making us late. You know how Evangelina feels about that." Wren groans aloud, throwing himself on-top of me , while I lay peacefully, (not so peacefully now) on my bed.

A loud "umph" sound escapes my lips as I struggle to push Wren off.

"Ow!! You bitch!" Wren screeches as he falls onto the dirty floor, along with a loud thud.

A few moments later, silence is what I'm corrupted with. I suddenly don't hear Wrens annoying whines, and heavy breathing.

I close my eyes and hum, attempting to fall  back to sleep before a cooling wet liquid splashes onto me. My body automatically jolts forward. My heart bangs rapidly against my chest as I glare at the brown eyed boy.

I push the covers off my body, walking past Wren, and into the bathroom.

I stare at my face long and hard into the mirror. My long wavy brown hair was pushed back into a bun. My brown eyes were red with dark circles underneath, my pink lips were cracked, and the scar underneath my eye still stayed. My tan Carmel skin, seemed paler than before. I literally looked like the definition of shit.

"Come on!" Wren shouts, with a bang on the door that follows.

I quickly splash the cool water onto my face, and brush my fingers through my hair, evening it out.

I toss on a pair of my black skinny ripped jeans, along with a black  tee, and on top I place the silver air planed necklace.

I always hated wearing colorful clothing, I always thought the brighter you are, the more attention you need. Which is the exact opposite of what I wanted.



I glanced at my rooms clock, reading that it's now 5 in the afternoon.

Evangelina had us work on hacking through a computers security outlet as an obstacle for today. I honestly thought it was very sketchy but before I spoke up to ask why she had wanted us to work on that specific type of thing,  the people's glances and earning glares throughout the room told me that wasn't the wisest decision.

I step out of my assigned room, number twelve, to be exact. It was time for everyone to head to the banquet hall to have their lunch before we head back home to our families or lonely lives. We never know what the scenario is around here.

I walked down the white clean hallway only to find it empty. I was struck with confusion, wondering where everyone was. Usually after everyone finished their assignments the hallways are flooded with people, racing to either get their next assignment, or to the banquet hall.

It was quiet. It was too quiet. If someone tapped their finger on the wall it would have easily been heard.

I glance forward, and backward to assure myself no one was trying to attack me, or scare me. Most likely Wren.

I continue to stroll down the hall, until I finally see someone head towards my direction.

Familiar curly locks and green blazing eyes enter the hallway causing me to jolt in my position. I felt the taste of recognition on my tongue, yet I couldn't understand where I had seen him before.

I couldn't deny, I was captivated by his beauty. His familiar inked arms, and tall lean built body could have had so many woman fall with a glance. But their was one thing that seemed off. The panic that flared threw his eyes as he marched into the hallway sent shivers down my spine. In a way, I was glad he hadn't noticed me standing in the midst hallway, gawking at him.

He seemed to have notice my gaze, he brought his shaky hand up to his head and comb his fingers through his hair.

"Hide, you need to hide. Their attacking us." The beautiful green eyed boy says with fright, but also a small sort of calmness.

Panic floods through me, I've been hit with confusion. "W-ait what?" I croak.

He grabs my wrist and says "You need to hide before they find us."

"No. I'm not going anywhere before you explain to me what's happening." I tugged my arm away from him, and stepping back feeling alarmed.

"Listen Serena, theirs no time for explaining, just trust me." I was shocked the man new my name, and was slightly confused whether or not to trust and to along with him. 

Before I had any time to respond, he grabs my arm and pulls me into an empty room. His soft, but dry hands press the lock on the door, and he turns to face me.

"What is going on, I demand an answer. You can't just lock me in a room when I don't even know who you are, or what is happening." I clench my teeth, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Someone broke into the building and stole files for Evangelina. They had guns, and weren't afraid to shoot down whomever was in their way. Evangelina made an announcement for everyone to hide, run, or leave. Assuming that your still here, you didn't hear the news." He sighs, and sits on a black stool.

"Then, what are you still doing here?" I ask. I was still wondering who was this man was, I swore I recognized him from somewhere. But I just couldn't place a finger on where.

"I just wanted to make sure no one was roaming the halls like yourself." He shrugged, acting as if it wasn't a big issue.

I kept quite, and eyed him carefully, his black name tag had letters, but were scratched off. I could only make out an "H." His brown hair was seemed lighter in the rooms light, and landed slightly above his shoulders.

His green emerald eyes were a combination of fire and nature. The flames consumed the trees, the flowers, and ate away all the beauty. They held darkness. But the sunshine was peeking it's away and fighting the against the darkness. His eyes held so much emotion, but his face held none.


Person I start seeing most in the comments will be getting dedication chapters :) also vote !

I'm so sorry for not updating for two and a half months.


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