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I enjoy posting fetus Harold.

I suddenly  felt a shock through my body causing me to wake up. My eyes immediately flutter open, causing my vision to first be a blur. I slowly stand from my position, noticing I'm in a totally different area, and sitting on a red chair. I study the room, more like "box".

I notice the metallic closed up walls, with a bunch of people seated on the red public transportation seats.

A train. I thought. I look out the train window noticing how the train is moving oddly fast for its usual type.

"Find the bomb, your job is to disable it" the annoying voice I'd encounter returns, for the hundredth  time.

I reach my fingers, slightly touching my left ear, noticing I have an ear piece attached. How did that even get there? How did I even get here?

"Miss Offred if you fail to complete your mission you will be punished and disqualified" She sighs, choosing whether or not to give up on me.

I finally understood that I was in some sort of fantasy world, and was given a mission that needed to be completed.

"W-What do I need to do first" my voice croaks out, not even noticing how rough it came out, along with my fast beating heart.

"Your job is to discover where the bomb is hidden, and to disable it, if you incomplete your mission, or fail to comply then you will be dropped." she repeats.

I gulp, looking around the train, noticing so many people staring at me.

I chose to ignore them, so I wouldn't draw attention, but my mind trails to where the bomb could be.

Where would the easiest most obvious place be? Where people would doubt looking? Where someone would totally not bother looking?

I look back and forth toward the end of the train, towards the beginning.

My mind immediately comes to the decision to look at the head of the train.

I scurry to the front of the train. A door, making me halt. I grasped the metal doorknob sliding the door open, causing the wind to blow my honey brown hair to fly over my face. I quickly brushed it off with my fingers, as I'm interrupted by a sudden shout.

"Hey! Miss! You're not allowed back there!" I turn to find a man shouting across the train, scurrying his way towards me, shoving the crowd of people to the side.

"You have five minutes and thirty seconds left Miss O'ffred to complete your mission" the voice returns. Again.

I huff, turning my body away from the man, running his way towards me. I closed the door that I previously opened. I turned to find myself at the end of the train, as its speed increases unwillingly. I gripped the handle to my side, trying to hop over to the next train cart.

How in the hell am I even supposed to jump that far of a distance, I think to myself, studying the distance between both train carts.

if I jump their'd be a slight chance I'd make it onto the other side, but also a greater chance of me falling off the train and failing.

I tangled my fingers in my hair, over analyzing the situation.

I'm not going to make this. My anxiety peaks its way into my thoughts.

What if i actually die? What if what happens here, happens to my real self?

"Four minutes and twenty-six seconds" she repeats, pulling me away from my thoughts.

Okay Serena you got this, Your a fighter. I simply remind myself.

DAUNTED | h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora