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the other day my math teacher gave me a ride home it was so awks, like idek...


"I expect all of you to run to your assigned rooms and begin once told..." Evangelina says, giving the fakest smile ever.

After the woman in white exits the room, a couple people begin to panic, Causing 30 or more men dressed in all black, marching into the room, grabbing each person and leading them into different hallways.

I immediately look around for Wren, as I see two large men, wrestling with him. I panic shortly, not knowing if I should go in their and help Wren while facing the consequences, or whatever they may be, or following the rules, which I'm not really the rule follower type but this lady seems like one you don't want to mess with. But something tells me if I don't help him I'll soon regret it.

Before i could make my mind up, my feet move on its own. Running towards Wren, I grab a hold of the large man holding him, and punch him in his jaw. Before the poor man can encounter what i have just done, I grab him by his shoulders, but quickly being stopped by another pair of strong large hands which grab my waste, throwing me to the floor.

I slide across the floor, as my head hits the edge corner of the wall causing a wet substance to glide on my face.

I graze my fingers through the gash in my head noticing it's not big, so I can continue off what I started.

I sprint off the floor, but as i make my way to the man holding a struggling Wren in his arms, the larger one beats me to it, grabbing a fistful of my hair, making me thrash violently in his arms.

"You little one, need to be taught a lesson" He says, giving me a toothy grin.

"Don't touch me" I spit, causing him to let go of my hair, but forcefully grabbing me by my arm, pulling me away from the room, and Wren hi-self.

He pulls me toward a door, which leads to a white hallway with many doors from side to side. I began to notice the rooms had numbers implanted on the outside, each door going up from 1, and I'm guessing it ends at 9. Which was probably all the way at the end of the hall, considering this walk was going on for a few minutes I can easily guess.

I look to the man, who still held his harsh grasp against my bare arm, noticing the name Styles imbedded onto his black polo. I begin to think it's probably the middle aged mans name, as I continue to study my new enemy, I notice a few scars, which in fact, he had one right above his left emerald eye.

We come to a sudden halt, being greeted by a mahogany door, with the number 9 on it, just as I guessed before. He shuffles through his pocket, tightening his grasp around me, and pulls out a card, swiping it through the swipe card next to the door, and it suddenly opens by itself.

Door nobs are less complicated. I thought.

He shoves me into the room, as I notice him to begin walking out closing he door behind him, I run towards the closing door as fast as I can as I shout "Styles!."

I soon regret it as he slowly makes his way back into the room, his green eyes flaring with fire as he marches up to me.

"Don't.Call.Me.That" he slowly spits out, he slaps me, causing me to fall on the floor, as I'm greeted with a large flash of pain on my head.

"What the hell!" I scream. What's with this place being so abusive, literally two hours here and I've been punched, thrown to the floor, and now slapped.

He marches out the room, slamming the door.

I slowly stand up from the floor, and slowly circle the dark room.

A black chair, a black chair is in the middle of the room, the kind which kind of allows you to lay back. Connected to it from the back is a small machine with wires which travel to both of sides of the head piece of the chair.

"Please step forward" a robotic female voice says.

I immediately  look around to see where the voice has come from.

"Please step forward" it repeats, yet I still haven't moved a muscle.

Afraid to move, I continue to scan the room.

Their appears to be a black electronic sign, attached to the wall. The words imbedded "Incomplete" and "Completed" which was in green and red.

I slowly walk up to it, tracing the words gently.

The room automatically lights up, lighting up the machine connected to the chair, and the sign on the wall, along with the room lights.

"Please sit" the annoying voice returns.

"Please sit"

I chose to finally cooperate, and slowly sit on the black chair, as it reclines my back half way.

The wires immediately flow through the air, and stick to my temples. The lights dimming down, as the voice returns counting down.






And darkness is all I'm encountered with...

Btw that wasn't Harry..

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