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I have so many ghost readers omg vote and comment plz ily.


My body jolted forward, the air conditioned breeze, hitting my face as I sit up correctly, fixing my position.

I study my surroundings ,as I noticed I was back in the dark room.

This could be apart of the mission.

A loud slow beated clap fills the small dark room. I turn my head, noticing a glass mirror was attached to the wall, assuming someone was stood behind it, and where the noise had earlier come from.

I slowly stood up from the black reclined chair, noticing I'm not currently in my previous state. But, to be sure I pinch my forearm five times just to assure myself the pain was real, that this was real.

The door to my room suddenly opens as, two guards wearing all black walk in, none of them being the ones I'd earlier encountered with, along with a women following behind.

I take two steps back as they walk closer, but they come to an abrupt halt, as the women behind them steps out of her hiding spot. I study her attire, noticing the all white clothes, neatly browned hair combed into a bun, seemed familiar. I soon realize that the women standing before me is my adviser.

Now what was her name?

Was it Eulalia? Maybe Esperanza?

"Hello Serena, my name is Evangelina. I am your adviser, you must recognize me from my earlier speech." The odd women says holding her hand out to shake mine, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I hesitantly shake her arm. This whole odd situation sends a cold shiver down my spine, causing goosebumps to spread its way onto my arms as I release her cold fragile fingers.

"Um, what is it that you need?" my voice comes out rougher than I originally intended it to.

"Well, I was going over some of the other possible participants, and I just happened to come across yours. Your results ended up to be oddly higher than others. Not in a bad way. It just means you have a high amount of rare potential, I think you can help us, Serena, don't you think?" She ends giving me a crooked smile.

"And what is it that you need help with" I say, carefully not feeding off of her words.

"Well I'm not going to reveal that secret information yet, but I will keep my eye on you Serena. I see potential in you"
Evangelina responds with a wink and begins to head out. "Don't disappoint me like the rest" their she went with the slam of the door.


I walk down the fancy hallway, and make my way towards the exit of the building.

Is what Evangelina said true? Do they truly need me, or is this some sick twisted game?

I couldn't understand what she meant by "don't disappointment me like the rest" but if I had a clue, she was obviously failed by many people.

I've never fully trusted the government, and I don't think I should start now. Or maybe I should. I don't know.

Exiting, I push open the door, water drips on my head, awakening me from my thoughts. I groan aloud, as I look up, noticing the dark skies has now been crowded with heavy clouds, as huge rain drops pour down onto me.

I continue to walk the crooked path, hoping to maybe think of decision on whether or not to trust Evangelina and her Crew. I shove my two tiny fists into my now well soaked front pocket of my black hoodie, letting the cold rain take over my body.

Promptly, a loud ringing fills my ears. The city bell ringing, warning me, and the rest of the governments citizens, that curfew is in Ten-minutes.

I slowly crook my neck to the left, accepting the cold silence surrounding me, as I suddenly catch a quick movement from the corner of my right eye.

My head immediately snaps to the right, searching for where the sudden movement had come from. My body freezes, in the middle of the muddy path, I stay there, waiting for another sound.

Thirty seconds had passed, and soon light footsteps and soft whispers are heard. I lightly run to the opposite side of the street and hide behind a huge dumpster, as the whispers become louder.

I creep my head slightly above the reeking dumpster as two black figures make their way to the abandoned building across the street. The two figures make their way inside.

Curiously, I slowly run to the side of the abandoned house, making sure I'm not inside, but next to the door, so I'm able to overhear everything. From the little opened crook of the door, I notice not only two figures, but four.

"Well, how do you think we should stop them" a voice says, with a slight Irish accent.

A few seconds have passed and no one had said anything. I stared through the little crack of the door, but not able to see anyone's face, since their backs were all faced towards me.

"We'll have to think of a detailed plan before we get too far into it." A husky voice breaks the silence.

Stop who?

"Harry, do realize your basically asking the government to kill us, right?" A petite voice says, assuming a woman, as her small body places into view.

Who's Harry? And why do they assume the government would murder them?
What does the government have to do anything with this?

"Allison, You know its not like that. Hundreds of people are being tortured, and you know from what we found in Evangelina's office that-"

The man with the husky voice doesn't continue, as I soon find myself falling into the door, revealing myself, from my well hidden spot.


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