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Just in case your reading this and your confused on what's happening so far, here it is.

So Serena , 17 year olds, finishes all of school (because that's just how it is in the book you finish when you hit 17), and starts her first day working with the government.

Now this is the part where some may think it's alike to divergent. Wrong.

Yeah the only similarity is that they do "stimulations" but on the real, Serena isn't in a stimulation, it's a machine hooked up to her giving her an obstacle  to over come, to see what part of the government she works with. Like technology, a scientist, etc. Not dauntless, or what ever the factors were in divergent. The reason behind the testing is to train them, for future reasons which you'll read on.

They also have two different endings, and two different plots. I may go back and clarify some chapters to make it more clearer, or add More to make it longer I'm not sure.

I'm not sure if this book is confusing or not, y'all gunna have to let

Also, I had finals all last week and this week, which is why I'm late on updating.

Expect an update soon?

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