~Chapter 1~

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Hey guys welcome to my new story, I really hope you will like it and at the beginning of this story Wes is going to be single. Enjoy!


Mari POV
I woke up early this morning to the sound of my alarm blasting out Fix you. What a nice song to wake up to. I opened my eyes and realised that my house look really empty without Peter's stuff. After our break up, this asshole took almost took everything even my precious video games.

I left my bed and took my Attack on Titan shirt with black leggings and my black boots. I flattened my hair, put a bunch of makeup and finalize my suitcase to go to England for Comic-On. I didn't bring a lot of thing because we are only going to stay there for two days. Our flight to go to England is at 10:30. I'm really excited, it's always fun to meet all the fans and to see everyone.

I took my keys, put my suitcase in the back of my car and drive towards the airport. I park my car and in the parking. Wes, Joven, David, Matt and Flitz were already there. A guy checks our passport then our suitcases and you know the drill.

David POV
We were sitting on the uncomfortable chair at the airport waiting for our plane. I was bored so I decided to vlog, I took the camera and start it.

"Hey guys welcome to our bonus video, today we are in the airport and we are waiting for our plane to go to England to meet you guys." I said to the camera.

"Everyone for the flight number 76 can go in the plane." The lady in the radio said.

"Well this is our plane guys." I said to the crew while stopping the camera.

I took my suitcase and followed everyone in the little hallway that leads us in the plane. Sohinki was freaking out as usual because he's always afraid that there will be a plane accident. There is like 0,001% of chance that we can have an accident so he needs to calm down.

I took the seat in the middle of Sohinki and Mari, Joven and Wes were on the seats in front of us. It was a really small plane, we were the only one in it. The engines started, the plane started to go forwards, than in the air.

It was about 3h that we were in the plane, David and Joven were sleeping like little babies and the other ones were on their phones being asocial like usually. The plane start to shake a lot, not like usually this is not normal. The shaking woke David and Joven up and they looked at me with confused eyes.

"Everyone please put your seatbelt." A lady said, she looked kind of worried.

"What the fuck is going on?" I said. "Oh no! Oh no! We are going to crash and we are all going to die!" Sohinki shouted behind me.

I looked in the window and my heart stopped because of what I just saw, the engines were in fire! That can't be happening to us right now! This is a nightmare! Well Sohinki was right, we are all going to die.

"G-guys! I don't know how to tell you this but... The engines are on fire!" I shouted.

They all looked at me with the 'you've gotta be kidding me' look, than they all looked in the windows. We left our seats and went in front of the plane to maybe find a way to help the pilot with something.

Nobody was there. We are fucked. Now every second is counted before we crash, we need to find a solution quick!

"Maybe there are parachutes." I suggest with a little bit of hope.

We search the front than the back of plane but there were no parachutes, the pilots probably took them and jumped out of the plane. I was about to go back in the front when I heard a 'POW' and everything went black. All I could remember is that my whole body hurts.


I know that this chapter was short and boring but the futur chapters will get longer and better. This is just an introductory chapter and the action start next. I really hope you will like that new story and don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Byee <33

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