~Chapter 5~

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Hey guys! Here's the chapter 5 of this fanfic, the action will start in this chapter. I really hope you will like it! Enjoy!


Wes POV.

I went in the plane to ask witch one of them wanted to help me with the first test. Matt volunteer, we ran out of the plane and started to run towards the tube. We need to do this the faster that we can, what if something bad already happened to Mari?

We arrived were the map said to go but there was nothing. I did one step forward and a green tube appears in front of me. I did a quick look to Sohinki and jumped in the tube. Everything was black and a moment later, I saw a hole of light on top of my head. I got ejected of the tube and landed roughly on the grass. Sohinki got ejected too and landed next to me.

"Do you think we are at the good place?" I asked Matt.

"Definitely." Sohinki answered while pointing something on my left.

I turned my head and there was a big mansion. It was made of big grey rocks, there was at least six floors. There was a lot of windows and a big brown door in the center.

"Oh no." Sohinki whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think it the mansion from amnesia." Sohinki answered with a worried face.

"So basically, what we need to do is find the star and leave the mansion?" Sohinki asked.

"Yeah, sounds easy." I said confidently.

I pushed the big door and enter the big mansion. Right when Sohinki passed the door, it closed immediately. I hope we'll be able to open it later. The atmosphere in the room was kind of scary, there was almost no light and there was blood all over the place.

"If I was a star, were would I hide?" I said.

"I don't know but fortunately I have a flash light." Sohinki said.

He opened his flash light and the room just looked dirtier. There were bugs moving on the floor. The wallpaper was starting to turn yellow and the floor was covered with green disgusting mushrooms and blood. We began to walk from room to room, sometimes we heard some weird sounds but not more than that.

We enter a big room, I think it's a bedroom because there is a bed in the middle. There was also an empty wardrobe and two desks with four drawers each. Sohinki and I started searching them. I really hope the star is there. I found a tinderbox and a note that I didn't read, I don't need that all I want is the star to get Mari back. I picked up the tinderbox, you never know, maybe it will be useful. Right when I put the tinderbox in my pocket, I heard a horrifying sound that came from the room next to us.

"Oh shit! The monster. Hide." Sohinki shouted.

He grabbed my shirt and dragged me in the wardrobe, where both of us hided. I heard loud footsteps that approached our room. I opened the door of the wardrobe a little bit to be able to see what was going on. The monster was in the middle room and he turned his head in the direction of the wardrobe. My heart was ponding so hard, what if he sees us? He was walking in our direction. I was holding the handle of my sword, ready to cut his neck.

He opened the door and grabbed my shirt. He throws me on the floor and by mistake, the sword slips off my hands and feel on the floor near Sohinki. He was still hiding in the wardrobe, I think he's frozen by the fear. I tried to crawl on the floor to pick up my sword but the monster hit me in the face. Blood was falling down my cheeks, my face was burning and hurting but I need to kill that monster and find the fucking star.

He scratched me multiple times, I started to lose a lot of blood. I punch him in the face but it didn't do anything he just continued to punch and scratched me. I had trouble breathing because I had too much blood in my mouth. I think I'm going to die here. I don't care about dying, but I know that if I die Mari is probably going to die too. He was about to punch me again but his head feel of his body. I spited out all the blood that I had in my mouth. How did the head feel off? The monster's body feel on the floor and I saw Sohinki standing were the monster was and he was holding my sword.

"You okay man." Sohinki asked me.

"Yeah, thank you. You save my life!" I said.

"That's what friends are for." Sohinki said. He gave me my sword and we went in the room were the monster was before he heard us.

My face was hurting a lot but I could handle the pain. We opened the door and it was a really big room. There were two staircases at the bottom of the room and in the middle of it, there was a small fountain with something shiny in it. I ran in the direction of the fountain. The shiny thing in the fountain is the star! I knew it. The star looked like a star you win at the end of a level in Mario galaxy.

"Sohinki! I found the star!" I shouted.

He ran towards me. When he was next to me, I grabbed the star and we both start to lift in the air, than everything when black. When I opened my eyes, my vison was blurry but I could see that Sohinki was next to me. I rubbed my eyes and realized that we were back outside next to the tube. I don't know how that happened but I won't ask questions. Nothing surprised me anymore, everything is weird here. I help Matt getting up and put the little star in my pocket. We went in the tube and walk until we arrived at the plane.


So that was one of the longest chapter so far, I really hope you liked it and if you did please leave a like and comment if you want. Love you all! <33

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