~Chapter 7~

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 Wes POV

"So who wants to come with me?" I asked.

"I can come." Joven said with an unsecured voice.

I hope that this test will be least scary than the two other one. Why can't the test be candy crush so I could eat all the candies, that would be so cool. Like usually we started walking in the direction of the tubes and I was starting to fell Joven stressing a lot next to me.

"What's going on dude?" I asked Joven.

"Well both time you did those stupid test you almost died. What if this test his harder than the other ones?" He said.

"I didn't almost died, calm down." I said.

"Oh that's not what I've heard." Joven answered.

"Whatever, it's going to be okay." I said to reassure him even thought I was worried a lot as well.

We arrived at the tubes and jumped in it. When we landed I made sure to get up as fast as possible so Joven don't land on me, I don't wanna die like this today. I looked around me and I breathed a sigh of relief. We landed on a go-kart field. I guess it's the Mario kart field because there are signs of Mario and Luigi everywhere.

"For this race, it's going to be a random map." I big voice said.

"But before we choose it, we need two more competitors." The voice continued.

"We volunteered." I screamed and put my hand and Joven's hand up so everyone can see.

"Well come strangers." The voice said.

"The winner of this race will win that star." The voice said. The star appears on a screen that was behind the players on the field. We absolutely need to win this race.

"Hey Wes, don't Wes'd it up." Joven said and started to laugh at his own joke.

"Well Joven, don't be a bronze player and don't bronzed it up." I said with a serious voice and with a victorious smile.

"My joke was better." Joven said.

I smiled at him and we walked through the spectators and went in the middle of the field, next to the other players; Peach, Donkey Kong, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Koopa Troopa, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Waluigi and Baby Daisy. We were all standing on a big grey circle.

"Let the match begin." Said the voice that I still didn't know where it's coming from.

The circle under me opened and before I could noticed, I was falling. I landed on my stomach and looked around me. I was in a big garage and I was surrounded by tones of cars. On the wall there was a big Tv with a countdown. I only have 90 seconds to choose my car? Well I better hurry up. I choose a green moto with an 'L' on the front. I sat on it and the garage disappeared. What is this nonsense?

Oh you've gotta be kidding me! Great, now I'm on the worst map ever; Rainbow road. And of course I needed to be the last one. Joven was in front of me he was waving his arm and it looked like he was freaking out.

"I'm gonna fuck this up!! You're right, I'm a bronze player!" He shouted.

"No! You can do this. Do it for Mari. Do it for your best friend." I screamed.

The countdown started '3' Joven looked at me with a hopeless look. '2' now I started to stressed out. I can do this, Remember Wes you do this for Mari. '1' I started the engines. 'GO' I pushed the treadle the harder that I could and passed a bunch of people. Obviously Joven missed his start so he is in last place.

On my moto, there is a little screen that shows me the places and things that we get in the mysterious boxes. I passed near to fail of the edge 2 times. It was so hard to drive on this fucking road! The view was kind of pretty though; all the starts and the rainbows. '2/3 laps completed.' appeared on my screen.

Come on! I need to be first, I can't stay in second place. I ran into Donkey Kong that was in first and nocked him off the edge. I just saw is body falling in the space. I kind of fell bad know. Whatever, I'm finally in first place! I just need to say in this position for the last lap.

I looked at my screen and Joven was starting to get better, he's now in 3rd place. I'm impressed, I mean it's Joven he's not usually good at those kinds of games. 'Final lap.' Was now writhen on my screen. I looked at my mini map and Baby Mario was getting closer to me. Crap! If he passes me, I'm fucked.

I ran into a mysterious box. Please be something good. Please be something good! The items were spinning on my screen and it landed on a red shell. Perfect! I throw it at Baby Mario and it hit him in the face.

I could barely see the finish line but I'm almost there! I was almost at the finish line when I started to hear an annoying beeping. I looked up and a bleu flying shell fell on me and hit me right in the face. My moto stop moving. No! No! That can't be happening to me right now.

I heard the sound of someone crossing the finish line. I didn't even open my eyes, this is over. Everything is over. I will not be able to save Mari! I knelt on the floor on put my hands on my head to hide the tears that was falling on my cheeks.

"Dude! Hey Wes!" Joven shouted.

"I got it! I came in first place. I have the star!" Joven said.

His words hit me in the face just like the shell did earlier. A wave of happiness invaded my whole body. I opened my eyes, wiped the tears off my face and looked at Joven. He was holding the star in his hands with a victorious smile.

"Jovie! You're the best!" I screamed and ran to him to gave him a big tight hug.

"Oh who's the bronze player now?" Joven said.

"Okay you won one game in your life don't get cocky." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, let's go back to the plane." He said.

He gave me the star and I put it in the same pocket that contains the 2 other ones. We jumped in the tubes that magically appear in front of us and walk back to the plane.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and if you did, please leave a like, comment and subscribe. Love you all! Bye bye <3 

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