~Chapter 3~

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Hey guys I really hope you will like that chapter. Enjoy! ********************************************************************************************

Sohinki POV

We took the coconuts that Wes and Mari brought and started to open the one that we needed. I opened two extra for Mari and Wes because they're still in the plane, I hope Wes is fine, he was very injured. I saw the door of the plane opening, Mari took the stairs and sat on the rock next to me. I was expecting Wes to leave the plane as well but he didn't he was still in.

"Is he okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he fail asleep while I was treating him." Mari answered.

While they were in the forest looking for food, we found 6 kind of big rocks and we put them on the ground outside of the plane in a circle. It's going to be like our seats or something.

"Hey look listen..." A girly familiar voice said.

"What the hell." I said. I turn my head at the left and a little fairy with a round bleu body and white wings was flying around my head. It was Navi from the legend of Zelda.

"Is been almost 200 years that nobody as came to our Island." Navi said. That's probably why nobody know about this island.

"Nobody has ever left this Island alive so good luck with that." Navi said with a nervous laugh.

"Welcome to the Video game Island." Navi said than fly away.

"We need to find a way to escape this Island, even if she said that nobody has ever left alive." I said to everyone with a confident voice.

"We can't, I already check that out but we have only one way; we need to wait until a boat pass near here." Joven said

"You're blind, we should not trust you." David said and we all giggled even Joven.

"Trust me on that one." Joven said.

We finish our coconuts and it was starting to get cold and really dark outside. We went in the plane that is technically our new home now. Joven took two seats and lay on them to sleep, Flits and David did the same, it did not look comfortable at all. I wasn't tired so I took all the suitcases that was left in the plane and start to search them.

I found a bunch of blankets and pillows, plastic water bottles, bags, a lighter and other useless things. Mari wasn't sleeping either. She was taking care of Wes, replacing his bandages and washing the blood that was left on is back. Later, Mari fell asleep next to Wes on the ground, I put a blanket on them and on everyone's body. I put a blanket and a pillow on the ground and lay down. I stared at the roof for a while before falling asleep.

Wes POV.

I woke up in a very uncomfortable position but at least I was warm. I turned my head and Mari was sleeping on my shoulder, she's so cute when she sleeps. On my back, I had a piece of fabric and bandages, I took the fabric off and put my shirt back on.

Everyone was still asleep so I took a bucket, left the plane and went outside. I went in the forest and walked in the opposite direction that Mari and I took yesterday. I walked for about ten minutes until I finally found a splendid big tree full of appetizing apples. I full the bucket with all the apples I can fit in; there was about 20 that could fit in.

I was about to go back to the plane when I heard a kid laughing in the distance. I turned around and walked in the direction of the laugh. It was two little cartoonized guys with big eyes and brown hair that was laughing. They were both identical but one of them was wearing a red shirt and the other one, a blue shirt.

They were Villagers from Smash bros. They were playing with some king of sword. They turn their head in my direction and when they say me, they screamed, threw the sword at me and started to run in another direction. I took the sword and my heart start to beat faster because of the excitement.

The sword's handle was dark blue and some details were gold, the blade was silver and there was the triforce sine etches on it. Oh my god! I'm holding Link's sword in my hands! I took the bucket full of apple, the sword and start running towards the plane to show everyone Link's sword.

I arrived at the plane and at the second that Mari saw me, she ran towards me and put her arms around my waist to give me a big tight hug.

"Thank god you're here! I thought something happened to you!" Mari said while hugging me tighter.

"Look what I found." I showed her the sword and she looked at me with a marveled look. Than, I explained to all the crew what happened.

"So you say that there is Villagers from Smash bros here?" Flitz asked.

"Yeah, isn't that exciting?" I said.

"This is amazing!" Joven shouted.

"If there is Villagers there is probably a village somewhere near here." Flitz said.

"You're right we should investigate." David said.


I really hope you liked that chapter and if you did please leave a like and comment if you have any ideas for future chapter. Byee <333

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