~Chapter 9~

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So, this is the last chapter of this story! I really hope you will enjoy it! Make sure to read the A/N at the end! :)



I landed on my belly. When I opened my eyes a shiver of fear passed through my whole body. I got up and the room was surrounded my lava. In the middle of it, was standing Bowser.

"We meet again." Bowser said with his scary voice.

"If you don't want to die, give me Mari back." I said with my most intimidating voice that I could do. Even if inside I was freaking out!

"Do you think you, little bug, are scarring me?" He said.

I jumped on his head and started to stab his face. He started screaming and threw me on the floor. The shock took my breath away. I got up and threw the stars at him. They hit him right in the face and his whole body started to melt. Is he defeated or what is going on? Did I win that easily? Nope.

Yes, his body melted but now he is just a big bone monster. Fucking great. He had no skin left. He is even scarier now than before. What the fuck! What do I do now? He hit me in the face and laughed.

"Oh what? You though that you could win so easily with those little stars? Well you were fucking wrong." Bowser said aggressively.

I jumped on his back on started to stab him even harder than before. He was screaming a lot but that didn't stopped me. None of my attack his working against him! What do I need to do to kill him? I jumped back on the floor and I realized that there was way more lava then before. That gave me an idea but I'm not sure if it's going to work but I'll give it a try. I pushed him in the lava. His bones started melting in the lava and he shouted his last scream. He's finally dead. Well that was way easier then expected.

The door opened and I ran the faster that I could towards it. I enter the room that contains a big staircase. I started to go up the step that leads me to the top of the tower. I opened the door and I finally saw her. Mari.

"Mari! I found you!" I shouted. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"You saved me." Mari said with a low voice.

I cut the rope that was around her hands and feet. She looked at me in the eyes and kiss me on the lips with all the force that she possibly could. I kissed back and took her in my arms to carry her out of the castle. Right know I'm more than happy, I found Mari and she kissed me. This is the best day of my life!

"Did he maltreat you?" I asked while walking through the forest.

"No, he just didn't feed me anything. I'm hella hungry." She said.

"Don't worry we are almost at the plane." I said.

I walked with Mari on my shoulders for about 20 min until we finally arrived at the plane.

"You found her!!!" David screamed and ran towards us to give a big hug to Mari and I. I guess the three other guys heard him screamed because they all ran in our direction and hugged us.

"And guess what?" Joven asked.

"What?" Mari and I said.

"Someone in a boat found us and they will bring us back to California in no time." Joven said. I gave some apple to Mari and we went in the big boat.


"Wake up. Wake up." A wonderful voice said.

"Am I dead?" I asked to the mysterious person.

"No you silly bear. You're in a hospital next to your house. You were really injured." The voice said.

I opened my eyes and Mari was looking at me with a big smile. She kissed me on the lips and jumped on the bed to give me a big hug. I hugged her back and kissed her. We are finally safe.


A/N; So, that was the last chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for all of you guys that read it since the beginning, I love you all so much! You guys are amazing! And feel free to give me some tips for futur stories!
I don't know if you remember, but last week, I talk a little a bit about my new fanfic; Why me. I said that I didn't know if it was going to be a Maricorn or a Marian story but guess what? I changed my mind! Finally, the principal character will be Delany Smith.  Of course, it's going to be a Smosh fanfic! It's gonna be amazing! I'll probably upload the first chapter today! Whaaat? Two chapters the same day? Yep, I'm insane xD. See you guys soon bye bye! <3

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