#46 shopping for the baby

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"This one! No this one!" You said looking at all the prams lined up.
Niall laughed. "I like the black one." He said pointing to the double black pram.
"Yeah I like that one too." You said.
Niall walked over and picked up the big box which had the pram in.
"We need some things to go in it." You said. "It will look plain without anything.
"How about some blankets?" Said Niall.
"Yeah. We can get two for at home and two for the pram." You said excitedly, waddling quickly over to the where the blankets were in the shop.
"Awe look at that one. It's adorable." You said pointing to a pink one with a unicorn on. "Two of them for Caitlyn." You picked up two of the pink blankets with the unicorn on.
"And maybe these blue ones. The dinosaur looks cool." Said Niall.
"Yeah I like those two." You picked up two blue blankets and made your way to the counter to pay.
You walked over to the cashier and she looked up and saw you and Niall.
"Oh my god! It's Niall Horan!!" She shouted.
"Hi." Niall said and smiled.
"Why are you in here?" She asked then saw you. "Oh my god you're having a baby!"
"Yep. Okay could we just pay please?" Asked Niall.
"Sorry here we go." She said passing you a bag with the blankets in. "That'll be £188.94 please." She said and Niall out his card in the machine.
"Okay thanks." You said and you and Niall left the shop.

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