Chapter 1

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Click clack! Click clack! Click clack! Click Clack!

I was riding my horse down the path. Each step made me slightly jolt upwards, but it didn't bother me. I was on a mission to seek out this strange life force. The King had told me that this strange figure kept on appearing in his room, and some of his guards had found the same essence nearby. I was commanded by him to seek it out.

My hair blew in the wind and whipped the back of my head as my horse heeded to a halt. I jumped off his back and patted his neck. He neighed in response as I was in awe of what I saw. A portal, the size of a watch tower, engulfed me in this strong and evil power. How in the name of Jasmine was it exceeding the amount of power to be withdrawn from an object?

"Aye-ye-ye," I whispered. "By Ether, this isn't gonna be good for the King to hear." Just then, the portal of stone shot a red cluster of red clouds towards me. I dodged it, and it slowly evaporated into the air. I hopped onto Nag and galloped off into the empty streets of Altan.

I tied Nag to the fence that was near the Tavern. I fixed up my hair and walked in. All of the faces darted towards me, and a few whistles escaped some of the people's lips. I rolled my eyes and sat in front of the bar tender: my good friend Aelflaed.

"Elf beauty," I said. "Nice to see ya."

"Ha ha," she replied as she was turning her head. "Very funny. Next thing you know, you'll be tryin' to pronounce my name out loud."

"Al-flaid," I joked. "But seriously, you have no idea what I've been going through."

"With you being called the Fair Maiden and being a knight, I wouldn't blame ya. You're not even a Maiden. You're a dame!"

"I know," I sighed.

Anythin' to drink for ya?" she then asked.

Right there, as hand smacked on the wooden counter top. I glanced over to the man, and I noticed some interesting features about him. The thing that really stood out were his ears.

"Two glasses of wine, please," he said with a classy accent.

"Who's the second one for?" Aelflaed asked teasingly.

"The lady next to me," he answered flirtatiously.

"So, Fair Maiden?" I gave her my silent death glare but waved my hand at her in a yes. "Say, aren't you the sibling of that shop lady Mira?" she asked unexpectedly.

"Indeed I am."

"Such a sweet gal. Anyways, comin' up for you two."

She gave me her devilish smirk and got the bottles from one of the many shelves that were tinted by the bottles' colors. As she was fixing up the drink, I felt the man's gaze go towards me.

"Fair Maiden, eh?" he said. "An interesting yet familiar name."

"That's the only name people listen to here," I replied blankly.

"I wouldn't blame the men that call you that. You certainly are one pretty lady."

"Careful, partner," Aelflaed said sliding our drinks to us. "She bites, and they burn worse than the sun's rays." The man just tipped his hat and took a sip from his glass.

"I like a bit of a competition," he said. "It gives a sense of character to the women around here."

"Oh, does it now," I scoffed. "I'm sure that Aelflaed here would like you."

"Meh, wouldn't be the right match. This man wants someone to be his, and he ain't gettin' his hands on me."

She flicked her head towards us as she served some tables. That little elf. She always seems to taunt me with her blue maid outfit, and her little schemes. Even her devil tail seemed to hate me. Sometimes I wonder if she wants a punch in her brown face. Was that the reason she switched from being an archer to a maid? Was it just to tease me in front of the men of the town?

"So," the man said. "No looking at me?"

"Do you expect me to?" I asked taking another sip of the alcohol.

"I don't really seem to see such a lovely woman in a guard's uniform."

"Why? Are we just suppose to be all giddy and cheerful like all men imagine them to be?"

"Ah, an eccentric one, I see." I looked to him this time.

I noticed, now, that he had dark red hair and light blue eyes. His jacket was dark blue with the symbolic sign of the city Yukrai, and he had a moon necklace with an earring in his left ear. His skin tone was a light tan while his lips were practically molded to show a smirk. He chuckled and put his glass down. "See? It isn't so bad looking at me now is it?"

"I'd rather be looking at the pigs than you."

"Ah! I'm hurt!" He placed his hand dramatically on his chest.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're making a fool out of yourself."

"Please." He leaned against the counter. "I don't look familiar to you?"

"Should I think that I'd know someone of the like of you? No! What do you want from me?"

The elf's eyes showed a bit of pain, but I quickly went away when, thank the Ether, a royal knight came barging into the Tavern. He looked around the area before laying his eyes on me. Although he was under his helm, I could feel that he was aggravated by something.

"Gunnhild," he said. "Have you just been here the entire time drinking with the men? Have you not gone to investigate the area the King has told you to?"

"I have," I answered. "Just thought I'd take a breather beforehand."

"Come. No time to dilly-dally."

I sighed and got off the bar stool. I nodded my head goodbye to Aelflaed as I followed the knight back to the castle.

K.C.T: IT'S TUESDAY! AND THAT MEANS THAT THIS BOOK IS FINALLY OUT! Unless you're reading this months later and it's a Friday. I think Sherry's book is getting to me. Anyways, how'd you guys like this chapter? I was thinking about making this because I was inspired. Again, I can get inspired for ANYTHING. Literally, I can get inspired by a rock that's how crazy my mind is. All that aside, how do you guys like the characters? Good, bad, strange, ridiculous? I know this is gonna get somewhere. Everybody say bai! OOWAY! <3

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