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Like I said: I'll try to write everyday. Still no reception from randy yet, but I won't give up hope yet.....ah, who am I kidding? I'm very very worried for he hurt or dead? Or what of it's something worse? Oh man, so many questions to answer......why do I have such a good memory? It's too painful to remember the bad stuff.....sometimes I wish I was like other girls my age.....but not the mean ones because let's just say they may be popular, but they're not nice at ALL.......yup, I was bullied by them today, they were calling me a mutated crystal, rusty bunny, and other insults that I don't wanna's painful, but at least someone stood up for me, and I don't even have any friends, other than randy......why bother anyways? They pick on me because I'm a nerd that's different from the rest.....meanwhile they're loved just because they're pretty..... I hear them say "they're oh so pretty......." For me?! I say "oh so pretty" my behind tail!!!!! They never see the least my father warned me about these kind of people......he said that they don't care about anyone but themselves......anyways, what else do people who write in journals talk about? Oh yeah! My father is a cyborg dog, but he's the number 1 person I trust....because he adopted me.....and he saved me from a person named error, who tried killing me when I was a baby, plus he put a tracking device on my leg to track me down when I was a baby.....but dad came to the rescue and he defeated him......I may not know if I'll ever see my birth parents again, but oh least I saw them once.....well what's a rabbit to do when she doesn't know what to write in her little book anymore? I guess she puts it down? I dunno......I think I'll do that I guess......-Jewel

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