Captain's blog (3)

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Today, the CRAZIEST thing happened. When I woke up, Someone was sitting next to me. He wanted to know why I was out on my own, so I told him that I was looking for randy, but not before bonking my head on a branch. Anyways, I didn't mention Randy's name because this guy I met had a helmet on......and I didn't want to exploit randy to him......I went into the city with him today, because he said he would accompany me.....apparently I was right about if being truly was.....the stuff I saw were mainly broken and I see trails of blood EVERYWHERE.......heck, I even see some glass shards with blood on them.....something terrible must've happened here.....anyways, while we were walking, two robbers tried getting me because of my jewels (which I think is cliche, but whatever) but this guy i met, his name is tori btw, he is tough and he was willing to go as far as killing the robbers, but before things got ugly, my ear gem started glowing and then, boom! I sent the robbers flying with a Cosmo beam of mine.....Tori seemed surprised, but his mask covered his face, so I couldn't tell very much.....anyways, he told me there's shelter just in case I needed to go there, and I may go there.....but in the meantime, I need to keep on looking for randy.....which by the way, still no response from him.......back to Tori, and I know what you're thinking: why does he have a girlish name? Don't ask me, I have no idea either. Maybe it's foreign for "earth" or something, but I guess that because he looked like he had earth powers, which was an elemental power I mentioned earlier, in case you missed I said: today was crazy, but at least it adds adventure to, what else do I write? Oh yeah! I need to go to sleep now.....because I have a big day tomorrow.......hopefully I run into tori or randy, but not Stanley because he may be rude to me......but I hope I find randy.....because this is starting to look hopeless.......I'm tearing up again because what if I never find randy? I better sleep on it.....I can't give up.......not now or ever on this quest......I gotta go now.....goodnight.....-Jewel

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