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Crud crud crud crud crud crud crud crud crud CRUD!!!! These guys are INSANE!!!! They literally made the forced wedding ceremony TOMORROW!!!!! What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?!?!?! I'm so sad and stressed out right now, that I can't control it....sorry that this page is full of dry/wet tear spots, but I'm uncontrollably crying.....I can't believe what my life is like right's terrible, ya hear me?! TERRIBLE!!!!! I wanna die so bad right now so I would have to avoid this stupid "wedding" and these psychotic fanboys and the mean girls.......wait a second........I know one thing that'll stop the's the potion....if I drink it, I will be asleep, and maybe even sounds crazy, but it's the only father must never know of what's going on because he will go on the biggest rampage ever and I HATE FIGHTING......what the heck, I need to drink it! That's it! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna drink the potion! I need to escape from my own life! Ok ok, I'm opening the bottle up.....and I'm gonna drink the potion right now........oh, excuse the small mess......ok I swallowed and so far not------\               /----______

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