Captain's blog (2)

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So here we are, day two of my little adventure for randy, who STILL hasn't contacted me.......oh man, what'll dad say to me when I get home? It's so pressuring......I just have to find randy.....I just have to.....he's my best friend.....anyways, what happened today? Well I've been traveling and I'm starring to see a small town up ahead, but from the looks of it, someone had a REALLY ROUGH AND BRUTAL battle and it went ker-plunk for one side......because I see destroyed buildings and even little bits of blood on them.....hopefully the town isn't too destroyed.....anyways while I was traveling, I saw a file for someone named "Stanley Cicidas" said that he highly cares for his family, but he shows almost 0 emotion to everyone else....... I don't really like the looks of this guy.....what if he's being a bully? Will his family help him? I dunno.....I just don't like the looks of Stanley.....I took it with me just in case someone needs it......hopefully I find more of these files.....but never mind that, i need to find randy......he kinda needs me right now......though I don't have any healing powers, I can stop by to say hello and ask him what's been going on......because two years ago, He told me he would be attending the rgame academy......maybe something terrible happened to him there.....well whatever it was, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.....hopefully, I won't run into that 'Madeline' girl again.....she's so RUDE! And I haven't seen her in two years! But darn it to heck, I remember it so clearly......that's the downside of having an amazing don't wanna remember certain things, but it's hard to forget......oh well.....I haven't met anyone new yet, but maybe when I go into that town, I'll get some answers.......and i need them to find randy.......I gotta go now......I'm very tired from all that walking and I'm kinda hungry.......I'll get breakfast and good night......i miss you randy.....-Jewel

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