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That's it! I can't take it anymore! Randy is obviously hurt really bad or even dead! I need to find him! Like, immediately! But the thing is that I have a curfew, so it'll take my DAYS to find him! But I just need to find randy! School life is bad enough already, but it's now worse because randy won't respond AT ALL!!!!!!! I need to be calm......but he hasn't responded on almost a week now! And it's all staticky! I just need to find him.....but my dad may say no.....sorry sorry, I'm just really worried for him and I'm even tearing up because I'm way too worried for him........but it's like people say, I need to worry about myself ONLY......I just can't help it.......someone please explain to my why is randy not responding......I just need to find him......I just have to......and I don't care if I have a curfew......I just need to find him.....hopefully my dad will's what I'll do......I'll leave a note for him, saying that I'm gonna look for randy because I'm worried, then, I'll sneak out and I will look everywhere for him, even if it has to mean certain death for me......I just don't want him hurt anymore......sometimes I wish I was dead right now........but that's just getting ridiculous isn't it? Oh well......anyways, I have to go, like RIGHT NOW. I might bring this, but I may not.........y'know what? Forget it, I'm bringing this with me so I can record the update status with the search for imma to write the note, bring this with me, and sneak out, and yes, it's nighttime. I gotta go.....randy? Here I come.....-Jewel

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