Someone kill me already

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It of the guys threatened to murder me and my father if I didn't go out and "married" I had no other choice but to agree to his thing.......I'm so sad and heartbroken right now......the only solution to solve everything right now is to kill myself.....or as some people call it, go suicidal......I need to do it in after school, I found this weird sleeping potion at a strange magic store.....strange enough, the potion was surprisingly cheap.....I read the effects of the potion and it said the sleep would be permanent......and it said it might be deadly too.....because the sleep could cause me to stop my heart's I might use this potion to kill myself......I have no idea what is gonna happen if I do drink it, but I don't really care, as long as it avoids being forced to marry that idiot.....I need to hide this potion from my father.......because if he sees it, he's gonna question everything that's been going on lately.......and he doesn't need to know about what's been going on.........ok ok I just read one more sentence on the potion and it said that when I drink it, I'll be sent to a place called the "under world".....what is the under world? Is it like our world but under ground? I won't be able to know because I'll be asleep or dead........oh, snap I hear someone knocking on the door and it's that guy!!!! Someone help! I need to hide this and the potion because he's gonna try to force me into something even more frightening!!!!!! Someone help me!!! I can't take it anymore! I need to go! Hopefully I can write later!!! -Jewel

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