Captain's blog (4)

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OMG OMG YES YES I did it! I did it! I FOUND HIM!!!! Ok ok, lemme give you a quick lowdown. I found kuni's cabin, like Tori said. Someone was home, and you'll NEVER believe who was in the bed! It was RANDY!! Luckily, the door was unlocked, so I got to let myself in. Randy seemed very scared to be in the cabin, but I was so happy to see him......anyways, I got his attention and he seemed ok to see me.....I asked him about the rgame academy and he said life there is very tough.....but then I noticed some bandages around his chest, like as if it was scared very I asked him how it happened, but he told me he couldn't remember.....I have a feeling he's just hiding it though, because I tend to do the same thing......I then heard footsteps coming towards the door; I'm assuming it was Kuni; so I said goodbye, he said the same thing, but then, I decided to give him a kiss on the cheek, and then I went out the window to start heading home. Well all day I've been thinking about that kiss I gave randy......did he like it? I know I did.....if I tell my dad, he's gonna kill me for it.....but I still need to tell him because I can't lie to him......and besides: it would be better to take the truthful consequence rather than the passing lie.......anyways, I'm heading home now.....what'll my dad say when he sees me? I just need to expect a harsh punishment from him when I get home.....but hey! At least I finally found randy.....and I'm just glad he's alive.....I wish I had healing powers so I could heal him, but my only powers are Cosmo beams......oh well......anyways, I gotta go.....oh wait! One more thing: I found a file for someone named "Helena".....she's a yellow and blue fox that's rather optimistic, powerful, and determined, but she seems to have feelings for randy......because they recorded that for that case.....Helena and randy might be together......I better give up for randy having feelings for me anyways.......oh well......besides: he and Helena are better for each other....I gotta go for real now......I need to sleep on it.....good night....hopefully things will look better in the morning......-Jewel

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