Captain's blog (1)

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Welp. Today was alright.......I dunno how my father was doing, but I went and did it.....I snuck was to find randy......which by the way? Still nothing from him...... But I'll get to the bottom of this sooner or later.....anyways, I guess you're wondering what happened today, right? Well i traveled kinda far already, and it took me all day to do so. As I was traveling, I kept trying to call for randy, but of course, nothing happened and no response.....I wonder if dad read my least I know the main survival skills, like how to make a fire and hunt, which is ironic for a rabbit.....but who cares? At least I can me on this one, I can, no, WILL find randy....I just need to stay determined.....and it's too late for me to go home.....or else my father will kill me for it, not literally though.....because what kind of parent does that? I'm getting sidetracked again, aren't I? Sorry, it's a really bad habit of mine. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! As I was traveling, I saw some familiar things, but I also saw some not so familiar things......for example, I saw some weird crystals, and new plants......that may mean that I'm on a good I know for SURE that I'll find him......and I'll find out why he hasn't been responding at all lately......oh well.....I just hope he isn't dead........or hurt........oh great, I'm tearing up again......I'm just so worried for him.....that's why I'm on this little quest......hopefully I don't have to fight anyone because I don't even like using my powers.....the reason why? One word: different. It's very cosmetic, but I would rather have a normal power, like elemental ones......and in case you're wondering what those are, it's powers like fire, water, air, and earth powers.......holy smokes it's late! I gotta go.......good night....-Jewel

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