Jinhwan of iKON~

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Jinhwan was on tour with BTS. The last time you saw him 3 weeks ago and let me tell you,That night was heated.You started getting morning sickness 2 weeks after he left. You ran to the bathroom as you thought of possibilities for the sickness. The only thing that came to your mind was pregnancy but you were sure Jinhwan used a condom.
You called your best friends,Irene and Wendy (From Red Velvet) and Asked them to come over. You also asked them to pick up a pregnancy test on their way over. 30 minutes later,they were at your house,sitting on your couch,Waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. You did your business on the stick and waited 5 minutes. 5 Minutes had gone by and the stick confirmed that you were Pregnant.

You burst into tears as Wendy and Irene came into the Bathroom.

Jinhwan wasn't supposed to be home for another week,you thought but over your loud crying and your best friends loud voices,You didn't hear Jinhwan come in. He heard your crying from the bathroom,He also heard 2 other voices attempting to calm you down.
He set his backpack on the ground and hesitantly walked to the bathroom. As he was walking,He looked down and saw the pregnancy test. He picked it up and walked to the bathroom a little faster. "Wendy and Irene,Can you wait in the living room?" You said,Unaware of Jinhwan standing outside the door. The girls left the bathroom,Only to find Jinhwan standing outside. He brought his finger to his lips,indicating for them to be quite. They nodded their heads and left Jinhwan. He opened the door and found you sitting on the floor,with your head to your knees. "Babe." He said,You lifted your head and found your boyfriend standing in front of you. "I found the pregnancy test. I'm not upset. I'm actually..." He paused,You were sure he was disappointed in you and probably in himself. "...Thrilled and Happy.I'm excited that we're expecting a baby." He said. He lifted you up and embraced you in a hug you were longing for. "How are we going to take care of the baby? Your on tour and Your never home anymore." You said taking in his scent. "Don't worry about it." He said into your hair.

Hello...It's me. I took this off my Instagram @bulletproof._.bangtan


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