Kevin of U-KISS~ Ft. Eli

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CONTINUED; SEVENTEEN'S Joshua makes a brief appearance.

You decided to stay at your brothers house for awhile. You were halfway there when you heard footsteps running behind you. "Y/N!" The voice yelled. You turned around and saw Eli. "Yes, Eli?" You asked. "It's Kevin. When you left, he was sad." He told you. "I don't care." You said before walking away. "He loves you!" He yelled. You froze in your spot.

"If he did, he would've told me then and there." You yelled back before walking to your brother's house. You knocked on his door and it was opened immediately. "Y/N, Why are you here at...10 o'clock?" He asked. You looked at your brother with a tear stained face. "Oh my gosh...Get in here!" He said, pulling you inside.

He sat you down and sat down next to you. "Tell me what happened." He said. "Joshua, Why does stuff like this happen to me? I made a fool of myself. I love him, Josh! Why doesn't he love me back!?" You said. "My Poor baby sister...What has love done to you?...Shh It's okay..." He assured you while pulling you into his chest. "Your Gay. How do you know?" You asked. "Because Jeonghan denied me at first for his girlfriend." He answered. You cried into his chest before falling asleep.

The next morning, you woke up in your brother's bed but he was gone. All you found was a piece of paper saying he went to work and $100 in front of it. You got dressed into one of your clothes that you left there before leaving the house. You walked to your house and opened the door. You saw Kevin sitting on your couch, staring at the blank wall before looking at you.

He stood up and looked at you. You closed the door before walking right in front of him to your room. He grabbed your wrist. "Y/N..." He said quietly. You pulled your hand away before turning around. "What?" You spoke harshly. "I'm sorry..." He said. "Sorry? You think Sorry is gonna help my heart that you broke? I love you, Kevin. Do you have any idea how much you broke my heart?! Do you?!" You asked, raising your voice. He was silent. "No, you don't." You said before snatching your wrist and walking to your room.

When you got to your room, you see all your shopping bags on the floor. You laid on your bed, crying into your pillow. You raised your head and looked at the picture sitting on your bedside. It was a picture of Kevin kissing your cheek a year ago. You picked up the picture, looking at it closely before smashing it with your hand. The sound of glass breaking alerted Kevin, sending him upstairs to check up on you.

Kevin came into your room, looking at you. He saw your hand and the broken glass of the picture. You looked at him. "WHY?! Why don't you love me back?!" You asked, while yelling. You smashed the glass again, picking up the pieces, causing your hand to bleed more than it already had. Kevin seemed more worried than ever. He rushed over to you and grabbed your non bleeding hand, bringing you to the bathroom.

He sat you on the counter, grabbed tweezers and gently picked the glass pieces out of your hand. Once he was done, he washed your hand with water, proceeding to put a bandaid on it. "I do love you...I really do." He said quietly. You pushed him away before jumping off the counter and back into your room. Kevin followed you and sat on your bed with you.

It was a long awkward silence before you spoke up. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to not be able to confess what i feel? What am I supposed to do when all i can do is watch YOU love someone else? Now i see i'm a big fool." You said quietly. It was silent. "I broke up with her..." He said. You looked at him. "What..?" You asked. "I broke up with her...for you. After you ran away, Eli ran after you but came back without you. While he was away, i broke up with Elizabeth. I realized that I love you not her." He added.

You stood up, attempting to walk away from Kevin but he grabbed your wrist, looking at you with tears brimming his eyes. He stood up, still holding your wrist. "Please Y/N." He whispered. He turned you around and hugged you, tears falling from his eyes. You hesitantly hugged him back. "Just one chance. Please." He asked. It was quiet before you spoke up. "Okay. One Chance." You said. It was quiet again, the only thing that could be heard was his silent sobs.

He pulled away from the hug and looked into your eyes before leaning in slowly. You leaned in slowly too. Kevin kissed you gently in which you kissed back. "Saranghae." He said, in between the kiss. "I love you too." You told him before breaking the kiss and hugging him.

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