JR of Nu'est~

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Your POV:

You should've known. The late nights and suspicious acts should've been a hint for you. But no. Your were to stupid to even realize what was going on. Tears streamed down your face as you drove to your brothers house, thinking about the past few days.

3 Days Ago:
"Oppa! Let's go to the mall!" You said to your boyfriend of 2 years. "Ani. Not today." He said back while looking at his phone. You looked away, a little upset. "Ren texted me. He wants me at the Dance Studio. I got to go." He said, kissing you on the cheek before walking out of the door.

It's been like this for the past few weeks. He'd come home late at night, smelling like alcohol and some type of sweet scent but you brushed it off as nothing.

2 days ago:
Today was your 3 year anniversary with JR but he couldn't call out today. You woke up to an Empty bed. Your boyfriend had left to work already, no 'Happy Anniversary', no 'I love you'. Nothing.

You decided to go out today instead of staying inside all day. You put on a pair of jeans and one of your boyfriend's sweater before grabbing your keys, phone and wallet. You walked to a nearby Cafe and ordered your coffee.

As you walked out, you swore you saw JR with what looked like another girl but you assumed it was alook alike...or maybe it was him but with his sister. You decided to brush it off. Besides, JR wouldn't do anything like that. You walked home, thinking to yourself.

1 day ago:
Last night, JR came home smelling like a girl but it wasn't your scent. It was sweeter than your scent but as usual, you brushed it off. He's been on his phone lately. More often than usual. He's always texting.

You tried to gain his attention but he pushed you away. "JR Oppa!" You said. No response. You tried again. Nothing. You walked away. "Y/N! Baekho said i have to go in today! Bye, I love you." He said, walking out the door. "I love you, my ass..." You mumbled.

A few hours ago:
You decided you had enough. It was late in the evening and your boyfriend was sleeping next to you. Actually, he was laying on you and you were playing with his hair. You texted Ren.

To: Ren
From: Y/N
Have you guys been practicing lately?

From: Ren
To: Y/N
Ani. We've had this week off.

To: Ren
From: Y/N
JR told me a few days ago that you called him to practice and that yesterday Baekho called him to go in.

From: Ren
To: Y/N
Y/N, I'm in Japan. Baekho and the rest of the boys are with me. JR is the only one who said he wanted to spend his week off with you.

You didn't text Ren back. You decided to check your boyfriend's phone. You unlocked it and went straight to the messages. There were several messages to a girl named Vanessa. One caught your eye.

To: JR
From: Vanessa
I can cover those hickeys up for you from last night. So your girlfriend won't see them. I know i put them all over your neck and your stomach.

You dropped his phone, waking him up in the process. You took your hand and brought his shirt up, only to see hickeys all. You pulled the neck area of his shirt down, revealing more hickeys. You stood up in Horror, grabbing your car keys, wallet and your phone before running out of the door. Your boyfriend hadn't even processed what happened before realizing what happened. He grabbed his keys and drove after you.

Now here you were, driving to your brother's house all the way across town with tears streaming down your face. You pulled up into your brother's house. Your brother was currently in Japan with the rest of his Band. Your brother was Ren. You unlocked the door with the spare key he gave you, closing the door as soon as you entered.

Walking upstairs, you decided to change your clothes into his clothes. After you changed, you texted your brother.

To: Big Brother
From: Y/N
When are you coming home?

From: Big Brother
To: Y/N
I'm on the plane now. We should land in about 10 minutes.

To: Big Brother
From: Y/N
I'm at your place. I need to talk to you.

He didn't answer back so you assumed he just read it but didn't answer. You looked at the time, 7:38, your brother should be home any minute now. You decided to make something to eat. Making your way to the Kitchen, you heard the front door open. "Y/N!" The voice yelled. It was your brother. You walked down the stairs. "Yes, Big Brother?" You asked. "Let's talk now." He said.

Tears started streaming down your face again as your lip quivered. "What happened?" He asked, dropping his bags, walking towards you. "He cheated on me! He cheated on me, Ren!" You cried. "...I know..." He said. "What do you mean, 'You Know'?" You asked. "I knew he was cheating on you..." He said quietly. You were in shock. Angry. Betrayal. Used. All the emotions you felt. "You knew and you didn't tell me?!" You yelled. He stayed quiet. "I'm your sister, for fuck's sake! You should've told me!" You yelled.

It was a long silence. "How long has he been cheating on me?" You asked quietly. "...6 Months..." He answered. You exploded. "You knew for 6 freaking months and you couldn't even tell me?!!" You scoffed before walking out of the house to cool off.

"Y/N..." A voice called out. The voice that you spent your past two years with. The voice of your first kiss. The voice of the boy who cheated on you. The voice of the boy that you loved. You didn't answer him. "Y/N." He called out again. "What?" You hissed. "I'm sorry...She wasn't anything. I'm sorry." He said. You could tell he was lying.

"Don't say she wasn't anything if you did something with her. If you had something with her." You told him, your back still facing him. "Don't say your sorry either. You're not sorry. You're just gonna do it again. So tell me, how long has it been going on?" You questioned him.

There was a long silence before he spoke. "6 Months...." He told you. "So for 6 months you've been cheating on me? While i was home alone, you kept another girl company. Is she good in bed?" You remarked. He was silent. "She is. I can tell if your silent." You sneered. "Y/N...I really am sorry." He said. "Don't give me your stupid excuse. Your not sorry. If you were, you would've stopped a long time ago. Even better, you wouldn't have done it." You snapped.

"I love you." He said. You froze. "No. If you loved me, you wouldn't have hurt me. You wouldn't be lying right now!" You yelled before pouncing on him. He fell to the ground as you tackled him, landing on his back. You punched him repeatedly in multiple areas before he "accidentally" punched you twice in the stomach very hard as an act of defense. You clutched your stomach.

You were pulled off of JR by Aron and Ren while the other two boys helped your boyfriend. You took a few steps back before feeling something drip down your leg. You touched it. It was blood. You began feeling light headed. "Ren. Ren...the baby..." You said quietly and frantically before collapsing into your brother's arms.

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