Baekhyun of Exo~

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You were walking around town when you got a text from your best friend,Baekhyun.

From: Baekhyun🇰🇷
To: Y/N💖
Hey Best friend, Wanna go camping with Chanyeol, and I?

To: Baekhyun🇰🇷
From: Y/N💖
Sure. Let me grab my things first. Be over there in an hour.

From: Baekhyun🇰🇷
To: Y/N💖
Okay! By the way,I'm bringing Tiana.

You read his message but didn't respond. Tiana was his girlfriend that you didn't like very much. She was rude and cold to you whenever Baekhyun wasn't around but when he was, she always acted nice and sweet. You liked Baekhyun ever since you guys were in 7th grade. You were hurt when he found a girlfriend.

Now, you've wandered into your house, silently grabbing your sleeping bag. You grabbed your adidas duffle bag and put some clothes in there. You took a medium sized clutch bag and threw your toiletries in there. Then you took your a second duffle bag and put your tent in it, just incase Chanyeol wouldn't share his. You made sure you had everything. Your phone, charger, To go charger, clothes, toiletries, everything you needed.

You walked over to Baekhyun's house. You let yourself into the house.
"BAEKHYUN! I'M HOME!" You yelled through the house. You walked to living and saw the boys (and girl) waiting for you. "Can we go now?" Tiana asked Baekhyun. "Yeah,Let's go." He said. You walked with Chanyeol to his car since Baekhyun and Tiana wanted to go alone in one car.

Chanyeol opened his trunk and set his camping stuff inside, then he looked at you. "Give me your bags." He said. You gave it to him then walked to passenger seat. Not long after, Chanyeol got into the car. Baekhyun had texted Chanyeol but Chanyeol was busy doing whatever he was doing. "Y/N, text Baekhyun back for me." He told you as he passed you his phone. You unlocked it with his password then texted Baekhyun back.

From: Baekhyun☀️
To: Chanyeol🔥
Hey, We're leaving now. Just follow us instead of setting up your GPS.

"Baekhyun said to follow him instead of setting up your GPS." You told Chanyeol as you read the message out loud. "Tell him Okay. We'll follow them." He said.

To: Baekhyun☀️
From: Chanyeol🔥
Okay,We'll follow you.

You sent him the message before turning off Chanyeol's phone and setting it down.

3 Hours Later...
You and Chanyeol had arrived at the camp site. You got out of the car, then proceeded to the back of the car to get your stuff.
"Hey Chanyeol, Can you share your tent with me?" You asked him. "Sure. I don't see why not. After all, you are my sister." He said. Baekhyun didn't know you guys were related. He always thought you were best friends.

You and Chanyeol walked to the camp site with him holding the heavy bags and you holding the light bags. You set the bags down while Chanyeol started setting up the tent. You sat there, waiting for Chanyeol to finish with the tent. Baekhyun and Tiana had already finished their tent. Their making a campfire for you guys.

"I'm done!" Chanyeol yelled to you. You grabbed all the bags and placed them inside the tent, then you went back outside. Baekhyun had already made the fire for you guys. He was sitting there with Tiana. 'Oh how i wished that was me....' You thought.

Chanyeol looked at you then grabbed your hand and walked towards the couple. You two sat across from Baekhyun and Tiana. Baekhyun got up and went to his tent to grab a few things. He came back moments later with hotdogs and sticks. He gave each of you one stick and hot dog then sat down next to his girlfriend. You placed the hotdog on the stick before setting it over the fire. The fire cooked your hotdog then you pulled it away and ate it. You finished your hotdog and placed your stick next to Chanyeol's, who had already ate his.

Your brother had his legs out so you laid down on his lap. He looked down at you before winking. Your brother bent down to whisper something into your ear. Your best friend saw you smiling before looking away. 'She's happy. Why am i making her jealous if she's happy...' Baekhyun thought.

"Baekhyun. I'm going to sleep now. Y/N fell asleep on me. Can you please pick her up and bring her to my tent?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun. Baekhyun only nodded before lifting you up like a baby. 'She's light.' He thought as he brought you to your tent. Tiana had already left to go to sleep so he had to walk alone.

At around 2 in the morning, You woke up from your sleep. Shivering, you walked over to your brother's duffle bag and grabbed one of his sweaters before going to your duffle bag and grabbing your phone. You grabbed your earbuds too.

Silently, you unzipped the tent and walked outside. You sat where the fire had been put out. You sat there for a good minute, just thinking to yourself before you heard a tent open, followed by heavy footsteps. You turned your head and saw Baekhyun walking towards you. He sat down besides you before breaking the awkward but comfortable silence.

"Couldn't sleep either?" He asked you. "Ani, I just woke up and couldn't fall asleep." You answered. He nodded his head before looking at your sweater. "Is that...Chanyeol's?" He asked you again. You nodded again.

"What do you see in him?" He asked once again. You looked at him in confusion. "I mean, Why is he your boyfriend? What do you see in him?" Baekhyun asked quietly. "Jinja!!?? You think i'm dating Chanyeol!?" You quietly yelled at him. "Ne...You guys are always together. You hold hands. He makes you laugh. You guys are even sleeping in the same tent!" Baekhyun told you.

You laughed before telling him the truth. "Aniyo!! We're siblings, pabo. We do that because we're related not because we're dating!" You told him. He looked away in Embarrassment. "Anyways, even if i was dating Chanyeol, Why would you care?" You asked him. He mumbled his answer. "Mianhae, What did you say?" You asked again.

"I said it's because I like you..." He said quietly. It was an awkward silence before you spoke up. "You do? Thats...Great! I like you too!" You told him, being so straightforward. He looked at you before kissing you on the lips. You kissed back but pulled away. "What about Tiana?" You asked. "I never liked her. She never liked me. We just got together to get you jealous. She was only mean to you for the act. She doesn't hate you, She likes you. In fact, She likes your brother." Baekhyun told you.

"So we can be together?" You asked him. "Yes Y/N, We can be together."

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