The8 of Seventeen~

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Part 1 of 2~

Your POV:
You heard the front door open. Your first instinct was to jump up. You turned your head towards the door, only to find your boyfriend standing there.

"Jagi~..." He said. Although you were standing near the couch, you could still smell the alcohol in his breathe. He seemed sober though. He looked over to you and then looked down.
"I'm sorry,Jagi..." He told you. You looked at him, confused as ever.

"I'm so sorry,Jagi! I'm sorry. Mianhae!" He yelled, pulling at his hair.

You raised an eyebrow and then asked him,"What happened? What did you do?"

He looked away from the ground and looked at your eyes. He turned the lights on then pulled the collar of his hoodie down. On his neck revealed a trail of love marks, ones not made by you but by another.
You stumbled back a little. He looked down again. A tear slipped from both your's and his eyes.
"Why?" You asked. He stayed silent.
"WAS I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?! WAS I TOO BORING FOR YOU?! WHY'D YOU CHEAT ON ME?! WHY? WHY,MINGHAO? WHY?" You yelled in Chinese. You spoke Chinese, English and Korean so communicating wasn't really hard.

The silence between you two had spoke enough. You were thinking if you wanted to leave today or stay until tomorrow. You decided to just stay until tomorrow.
"Come on. We'll discuss this tomorrow. I'm going to sleep." You said.
"I'll uh...sleep on the couch." He said awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck.
"No. The bed holds two people for a reason. Your sleeping with me today." You said before leaving. You walked to the room and layed on the bed, your boyfriend's presence followed shortly after. He climbed in after you, facing his back towards your back.

You turned around. You hated sleeping without his arms wrapped around your waist. His back faced your face.
"Baby." You called out. "Hmm?" He answered. He turned around to face you. "I uh..." You paused. He nodded before placing his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. With that, you fell asleep to his steady breathing.
The next day~
You woke up earlier than Minghao did. You grabbed your suitcase and started packing your stuff, adding some of your boyfriend's sweaters in there too. You packed everything that belonged to you. You then proceeded to text your brother.

To: Joshua Hong
From: Y/N Hong
Hey Josh...Can i stay at your place for a while? Something happened between The8 and I...So please?

To: Y/ N Hong
From: Joshua Hong
Yeah Y/N,You can stay over but you have to tell me what happened between you two! See you when you get here! Arrive Safely,I LOVE YOU!!

You wrote a letter to Minghao,then placed it on your side of the bed. You walked to the living room and grabbed your keys but before your left, you made sure you gave Minghao a kiss on the forehead. You silently walked out of the house, leaving behind all the memories you made with Minghao.

Minghao woke up some time later on in the day. He felt your side of the bed only to find it empty. He sat up before realizing what happened yesterday night. He collapsed onto the pillow, looking at the ceiling, One by one, tears slid down his face. He looked over to your side again and saw the letter you wrote to him. He picked it up and read it.
I'M really disappointed thAT you made the choices you did yesterday. I'm also really hurt by them. Just know you left me broken and now...I will leave you broken. I told JOSHUA about yesterday. By the time you read this, i have been long gone. I hope your satisfied with your choices. We'll meet again but until then...I leave you in the handS of another. This isn't goodbye but this isn't hello either. I'll see you around. I love you.
Love,Y/N Hong
Hey...Did you see the message in the letter?


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