The8 of Seventeen~

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Part 2 of 2~

2 Years Later~
About a month after you left Minghao, you found out you were pregnant. It was quite a shock for you but you weren't going to get rid of the baby. Instead, 9 months later, You had twins. A boy and girl. Joshua had let you stay in his place while you were pregnant and even after you had the babies. He was there when you gave birth.

He was so excited when he found he was going to be an uncle. He helped you through the emotional times and through the pregnancy itself. You named your kids:
Kihyun Lee Hong-Xu and Tiana Leah Hong-Xu.

At the moment, both of your kids were having a birthday party to celebrate them being 2 years old. You invited all of your family to come celebrate and none of them were suppose to arrive soon. You were in the middle of dressing your kids when you heard a knock at the door.

"COMING!" You yelled. "JOSHUA!!! COME GET YOUR KIDS!" You said. "I'M COMING!!" He yelled back. Within a few minutes your brother came rushing down, in a suit and tie. "Ooooo My brother looks so fancy." You snorted.

"Yeah Yeah, give me the kids." He said. You heard another knock. "I'M COMING!!" You yelled. You handed Joshua the babies. You then went to answer the door.

"Hi Mo-...Minghao?" You asked. You looked at him. He grew taller, his facial features changed alot too. You had to admit, you did miss him.
"W-What are you doing here?" You stuttered. "I came to see-..." His sentenced was cut off by Joshua, who came over holding two kids.
"Y/N,Who is it?" Joshua asked. Minghao looked at Joshua with wide eyes. Joshua looked at Minghao then nodded before leaving.

"Are they mine..?" He asked quietly. "...Yes." You mumbled. His eyes lit up. "Can i see-..." He was cut by you. "Why'd you do it?" You asked. He looked at you puzzled.

"What?" Minghao said as he looked at you. "I said why'd you do it? Why'd you cheat on me?" You asked calmly.
"I don't know." He said quietly. You stepped out of the house. You put your hand on his chest to let him know to step back.

"You don't know? Please tell me you did not just say you don't know. You were sober when you did it. I know you were sober because that day, the girl you were 'doing' was my sister. I stopped talking to her after she told me she hooked up with you. You hurt me! You really did! Your lucky my sister was on birth control, if not, you would've knocked her up!" You yelled at him. Tears rolled down your face as you spoke to him.

You were about to say something else but he spoke before you. "I was sober when i did it with your sister but i swear I didn't know it was your sister. I'm sorry. I can't turn back time to change the fact that i cheated on you. I'm sorry. I really am." He said with tears rolling down his face.

It was an awkward silence before you spoke up.
"Your forgiven..." You said as quiet as possible but he heard you. He embraced you in a hug. Mumbling 'I love yous' into your hair. You pulled away. "I don't wanna start over. Marry me." He said as he got down on one knee. You nodded your head before he slipped the ring onto your finger.

He stood up then kissed you. It wasn't a passionate one but one filled with emotion. Emotions that can't be described through words. You both pulled away. "Can i see them?" He asked you. "Yes..." You replied.

You opened the door and found your kids on the floor with Joshua somewhere else. "JOSHUA MOTHERFREAKING HONG!! WHY THE FREAK ARE MY KIDS ON THIS FREAKING FLOOR!!!?" You yelled. Your brother came running down the hallway.

"I uh...No reason." He said. Your now fiancé picked up your/his son. "What's his name?" He asked you. Your brother picked your daughter up and handed her to you before leaving the living room.

"Kihyun Lee Hong-Xu." You answered him. "And her..?" He asked, pointing at his daughter. "Tiana Leah Hong-Xu." You answered him again. Both of your kids looked at their father before yelling,"DADA!"

You smiled before handing your daughter over to him. "Hey Baby girl,Hey baby boy. I'm your dad. The weird guy that looks like your mommy is your uncle. I hope you haven't been calling him Dada." Minghao said to them. Your kids just looked at him weirdly before giggling.

"HEY I HEARD THAT!!" Your brother yelled from the bathroom. You chuckled to yourself, Thinking everything was going to be good...For now.

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