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I heard that Karrueche didn't have a ride! I knew what that means! Chris to the rescue!

"I know who you can ride with!" I said.

She turned around quickly with her friend looking at me like I was a the best thing ever. Well...she wasn't wrong!

"You?" She asked.

"Yeah. Unless you wanna stay here." I smirked.

"I'll go with August." She said. Anyone but him.

"C'mom girl! He's going to a bar after school." I made up.

"Really?" She asked. I think she believed it.

"Err. Yeah. He told me so!" I said.

"Okay. But I'll go ride with your mom!" She said.

"Mi madre has a meeting after school. Sorry Kae!" I told her.

"Fine. But don't try to pull anything on me." She warned.

"Okay. I wouldn't do anything! I'm a good boy!" I laughed.

"Alright! We had a great day today!" My mom said after a few minutes of Kae and I talking.

"Meet me in the front of the locker rooms." I smirked.

I ran to the locker rooms and changed quickly.

"Yo August! I'm taking Karrueche home!" I said to him. "I told her your gonna be at a bar. Just play along if she asks." I said as we walked out.

"Aight man. But why did you-"

"Sh. Here she comes!" I said.

"Hey guys!" She said.

"Hi!" August said. I nudged him a bit. "Oh, ya. See you round girl. I gotta get to the bar!" He said. Then he walked out.

"Listen. I don't wanna-"

"C'mon ma! This shits gon' be fun!" I said.

"What's gonna be fun?" She asked.

"Nothin'. Anyways. I wanna show you something at my house before CJ gets here." I smirked.

"Who's CJ?" She asked

"You'll meet him later. We gotta go." I said, leading her out to my car.

"Nice ride." She said.

"I know, right?" I said in a cocky voice.

"Whatever, Christopher!"

"Hey. Don't be like that ma!" I said. Then I saw Cam. Ugh. He was was the most annoyingest piece of shit it the whole entire world! And he was walking our way!

"Get in the car Kae." I said firmly.

"But it's-"

"Get in the car!" I repeated. I heard the door open and then close. 

"What the fuck are you doing to that poor girl?" He asked me.

"Treatin her better than yo ass is to Nia!" I said.

"Whatever.  You're just being a little bitch like you always are." He said.

"Yeah. Okay!" I yelled. I saw him clench his fist and saw his nose flare up. "What, you gon fight me now?" I asked. "Don't forget I was the one who gave you that black eye and that poor broken face!" I laughed at his ass.

"Whatever. I can bet you this time." He said.

"Let's not in front of Karrueche." I said. Then I walked into the car, and drove off. I saw him in my rear view mirror, standing there hopeless.

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