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I was taking my puppy on a walk. She was so energetic.

Then u brought her back home, and went to my photoshoot. At the shoot, I was watching the tv while getting my makeup done.

"And we're back to TMZ! Chris Brown got kicked out of the house he bought for himself and his girlfriend, Karrueche due to the fact that the Back to Sleep singer's ex is pregnant with his child! And just this morning, Karrueche was out in LA taking her sweet puppy, which Chris got her, for a walk! She seems to be the cutest Siberian Huskey! Will Karrueche keep her puppy, or will she get rid of her because of the breakup between the two?" TMZ had everything.

"So, will you keep that little puppy?" Leo asked.

"Well, yeah. I can't get rid of her. It's my favorite type of puppy, and she's so well behaved!" I said.

"Yeah. But it's from Chris!" He said.

"I don't give a fuck! I love Athena!" I said.

"Yup. That's what you'll say until the dog starts acting like him. I'm telling you. It happened to my cousin. What a tragedy." Leo said.

"Whatever Leo. I'm keeping her!" I said.

"Okay honey! You're done! Now, go be pretty for the photographer and the cover." The makeup artist said.

"Okay. Thanks." I said. Then I went and did the shoot.
"Karrueche! Are you and Chris over?" One of the paparazzi said.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what we were.

"Will you keep your puppy?"

"Are you gonna be in his music video?"

I totally forgot about that! "I might." I said.

"Okay. Thanks."

"You look beautiful!" One said.

"Thank you!" I answered.

Then I got in my car, and drove off. I got a call from Chris. He hasn't called me all day yesterday or this morning. I answered.

"H-hello?" I asked.

"Hey Kae. Uh you gon be in that music video?" He asked.

"Is that all you care about now?!" I yelled.

"No. I just need a yes or no to find someone new." He answered. He sounded sad. Maybe depressed even. He didn't really seem interested.

"Oh. No. I'll pass." I said.

He sighed. "Okay." Then he hung up. I honestly felt bad, but he was the one who screwed up. If anything, he should feel bad that he messed with my ass!

When I reached home, I found Athena on the couch, chewing on it.

"Athena! Get off that couch!" I said. I ran over and carried her off. There was a slight mark on the backrest of it. I put a pillow in front of it to cover the mark, and scolded Athena. She looked so sad.

"I'm sorry Athena! How bout we go play outside!" I said. She looked happy when I said, "play". I called Kylie over so she would bring her dogs too.

When Kylie came over, we let the dogs outside, and we sat at the table next to the pool.

"I missed you so much!" I said.

"Same! How've you been?" She asked.

"Not so good. I'm guessing you heard about Chris and I." I told her.

"Ya! I can't believe Chris would do such a thing tho!" She said.

"I know. He's crazy! One moment he's like, 'baby, I'll never leave you!' Or 'no! I didn't have sex with anyone'. And then the next moment he's getting his ex pregnant." I complained.

"Whatever. At least you're single! I wish I was single sometimes. Then I could go out and do whatever I want!" She said.

"Yeah. Anyways, Tyga was at Chris' party, and then he said he already had a girl at home so he didn't wanna have sex with any of the girls there. He's the sweetest!" I said.

"I know! I wish you would find someone like that." She said.

"Yeah. But I think I'll stay single for a little while. I still have my whole career ahead of me. I love that, and I wanna become more known worldwide!" I said.

"Yeah." She agreed. We talked for a little longer, then she left with her dogs. I'm glad I got to hang out with my best friend.

I played with Athena for a little longer, then it got late, so we went to bed.


This bitch won't even be in my video! Damn! I wish I lost feelings for her cause I knew she wasn't gon have me back, but it's not that easy. I'm attached to her.

I was staying at my baby mama's house. I admit, I do kinda miss Nia. But Kae is who's on my mind now.

"Chris. I missed you after all these years babe!" She said.

"Ya. I missed you too. I forget how we broke up." I said.

"It was me." She said quickly. She looked sad.

"Hey. Listen. If it weren't for you breaking up with me, I would be cheatin on you now, and stay in at my baby mama house." I laughed.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." She smiled.

"Damn girl. Yo ass still as juicy as I remember?" I asked with a smirk.

"I don't know. Wanna try?" She asked.

"Is yo pussy still sweet?"

"Wanna taste daddy?" She smirked back at me.

"Yeah baby." I said excitedly.

"Well. You can't." She plainly said

"Why not?"

"I'm pregnant! Now shut up bitch ass up!" She said playfully.

"Whatever. I'm gon taste you sooner or later. I prefer sooner, cause of its later, I'm gon be pumpin and bustin on the baby. We don't want that." I told her.

"Okay. How bout after I give birth?" She asked.

"Naw! That's almost a year away." I complained.

"So? I don't wanna harm the baby!" She said.

"Okay." I said.

"I'on wanna do anything risky." She smiled.

"Aight. You wanna go out to dinner? I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

"Kk! Let me just get ready!" She said.

I groaned. "That's gon take forever tho!"

"Shut up Chris!" She yelled from her room. I sat ok the couch and waited.

When she came down, I took her out to dinner. We talked about life and shit. There were more paparazzi than usual, so I guess they're getting in on the scoop with me and Nia! 😒

When we got home, we fell asleep. I've noticed she has t accused me of anything for the last 15 hours that I've been with her. Unlike Kae, she asks nicely, respects me, and calls me daddy! Man I missed Nia so much! I could get used to this lifestyle.

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