Loss: Wendy

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We all stood there watching the bus get smaller in the distance as Dipper and Mabel left gravity falls. I tried to keep my cool but it was harder than ever this time. I stood there as the two people responsible for making this the best summer of my life left in a cloud of dust. Because of them I never had a boring day. Instead of a few months the summer felt like it has lasted years. I started to tear up. I had to leave before someone saw me like this. I'm supposed to be tough, I'm a Corduroy damnit.....

I turn around to face the others, sharing in a short moment of melancholy with everyone else there.

"Later guys" I said as I left.

I got more or less the same response from everyone in the same solemn tone. After that we all left to go back to our homes, or what was left of them. I decided to walk through the forest for a while before going home. My brothers were helping my dad rebuild our house as well as the rest of the town after Bill nearly destroyed it. When bill was "erased" his influence ceased and the town was almost set back to normal. The last few days had taken a lot out of me. Having to fight through the monsters and anarchy was one of the weirdest and hardest things I have ever done in my life and, even though it was a doppelganger, I've had to fight my self. Even though it was all over and things were close to being back to normal, things were far from normal now that my friends had left.

I just had to get away and be alone with my thoughts, that and I needed time to wrestle with my emotions. I walked for a while longer before finding a clearing. I let myself fall down onto the soft duff covering the forest floor. I stayed like that for a while, still in disbelief, reliving the events of this summer. From the start of the summer when I was hired on to work in the gift shop of the mystery shack. Soos would come in and talk with me but most of the time it was just me my magazines and the occasional tourist. It was boring and lonely until Mabel and Dipper came to stay with Stan. I grew so accustomed to showing up for work in the morning and seeing their faces and being around them. Mabel was always excited about everything and her positive attitude started to rub off on me.

And then there was Dipper, with his messy hair, cracking voice, the birth mark on his forehead. I turned over in my bed of grass and dry leaves to see Dippers hat beside me. I thought back to when we were in the bunker and he confessed that he loved me.

"Oh Dipper" I say as I reach over and put it on my head

It honestly broke my heart to turn him down. When I told him that he means a lot to me at the bus stop I really meant it. He's the only boy was ever actually cared about me. I've had a lot of relationships in the past and they never went well. I broke up with Russ Durham, Eli Hall, Stony Davidson, Mike Whirly, Nate Holth, Danny Feldman, Mark Ebstine and recently, Robbie. They all either lied, cheated on me or turned out to be huge jerks.

But dipper was different. He was kind, caring and now that I thought of it adorable. It took him leaving for me to fully understand what he means to me. I knew he liked me for a while and it was awkward brushing off all the little things he did thinking i didn't notice, but now they had become endearing. I keep going back and forth, i really do like him but at the same time the age gap seemed so significant given our ages even though we are a little over two years apart.

I became angry at myself for not giving him a chance. But he would be back next summer. That's when I will tell him how I feel and apologize. I just hope that he can forgive me and that we can talk through the awkwardness. I hope they make it home safe and that he reads the note.

I realized how much time had gone by since I decided to lay down in the forest. It was starting to get dark so I got up and grabbed the bill of Dippers hat to tighten it around my head, taking my time getting back home. Enjoying the solitude and the forest around me.

Dippers Chance At A Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now