First day of high school. (Dipper and Mable)

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Started writing this chapter- 4-30-16 

Dipper "wakes up" in his dream

I turn over in bed as the morning light beams in through the window hitting my eyes. Part of me was glad to be back in my room back in Piedmont, the room was free of glitter and didn't smell like Gompers and Waddles. I slowly get out of my bed slightly melancholic as as I drag myself to the door of my room. I grab on the door handle and open the door; there is a weird blinding light that shown through the door frame as I walked through on the other side.

My eyes light up as I see the staircase leading down to the rest the mystery shack. I run down the stairs as fast as I can, with a grin on my face. I burst into living room to see Gruncle Stan, and Uncle Ford. I smile ear to ear in a run up to them and hug them both.

"Oh my god I missed you guys so much.

Dipper runs up to them and gives them a hug

"We missed you too bud." They say as they hug him back

"We are not the only ones, guess who else is here to see you"

"Wait other people are here?

"Of course kiddo, go out and say hi"

I sprint out into the gift shop area of the Mystery Shack.

The person that I was expecting to be there was right where she would be


She was in her normal spot in the shop, sitting back in her chair at the cash register reading a magazine and still wearing his blue pine tree hat. Hearing Dippers voice and her eyes dart up to meet his.


Both their eyes light up at the sight of each other. She literally jumps out of her chair, over the counter and runs over to Dipper picking him up to hug him and swinging him around. He hugs her back as the two of them laugh. She spins him around and sits him on the counter of the store. Placing them at eye level and pulling away from the hug.

"Dude how the heck have you been?"

"I have been alright. It's only been a while sense I saw you last but it feels like forever ago."

"I know, I feel the same way. I really missed you man" She says as she rests her hand on the counter top.

"I missed you too... I decided to read the note that you handed me, when we were on the bus. I was so happy to see the card with all of my friends names on it."

I looked down at the floor and began to blush as the words started to come out. "But I missed you the most"

There was a brief pause. I looked up at Wendy and her face was flushed red.


Before I could ask anything else and before I knew it she had leaned in and kissed me. My eyes shot open. I was shocked, the girl that I had a crush on like all summer was actually kissing me. It was exactly like the way I thought it would be like. I slowly closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment as she pressed her lips harder onto mine me, and I pressed harder into hers.

All of a sudden a loud screech was heard as the screen door to the gift shop opened. Wendy jumped back and I fell forward off the counter and onto her which made us both tumble to the floor.


Dipper jumps at the noise of the alarm clock, his heart beating out of his chest at the rush of adrenaline. He gets up from the warmth of his pillow. The neck of his shirt is soaked in drool. He looks around his room to only be disappointed by the end to what was quite possibly the best dream of his life.

"Damn" he says under his breath.

He swings his feet out of bed and lets them drop onto the floor. He looks over to see Mabel still sleeping.

"How does she do it" He asks himself.

Dipper walks over to Mable, grabbing her shoulder and shaking her awake.

"Mabel get up, it's time to get ready."

"No let me sleep forever."

*Dipper smirks at Mable*

"Alright, I will let you sleep. I mean you won't be missing much other than the first day of High School *Dipper starts walking away smiling*...... "And the chance to make an impression with any new guys"

He hears the creeks of the bed springs and the thump of her feet as she jumps out of bed. Dipper knew, that would be what it took to get her up.

"Alright I'm up, now get out so I can get ready."


"Alright Mabel, Please promise me that you won't fall for the first attractive guy you see. You don't need to worry about relationships right now. Our main worry now is getting used to High school and puberty and..... "

Dipper starts to trail off and then notices that Mabel isn't around. It didn't take long to find her as she was wearing an oddly colored sweater today. As usual.

"Dammit Mable!" Of course, she has already found a guy to hit on." Dipper thought as he sighs.

I left to explore the campus of our new school, Millennium High School, seeing new faces everywhere I went. The campus is pretty big actually, a lot bigger than the high school in Gravity Falls. Don't get me wrong, It's great to be home with my parents and the school is pretty nice, but I'd kind of rather go to the smaller school in Gravity Falls where people know who I am and I actually have friends. Back at home neither Mabel nor I had any friends other than each other.

All I really have now is my new journal. I started it to keep be busy. I don't believe that Gravity Falls is the only place that has mysteries and occurrences of the supernatural nor do I believe that my uncle Ford is the only one that really knows about such phenomenon. So at the very least I can document anything new that I find and compare it to the three other journals.

I just want to be done with the first day of school and be done with all the awkwardness of freshman photographs and lame introductions. I would have kept my nose in between the pages of one of my books but mom said I couldn't bring one today. Things haven't been as bad as I assumed they would be. A few guys started talking with me in the line for photos. They seem kind of cool. The fact that they would strike up a conversation with me made me feel a little less lonely. Although it doesn't feel the same as hanging out with Nate, Thomson or the rest of the crew from Gravity Falls. Man this is going to be a long year.

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